Fortnite has seen a wide range of random items in its time. There have been random weapons that no one has really used, like the scoped revolver, and random items that have been forgotten, like the revive grenade. Not everything is memorable, especially for a game that has been active and changing items since 2017.
These items have been good and bad, and players wanted some of them to stay longer than they did. Several of the vaulted items were even fan favorites and would be beloved additions again today.
For one item, however, it wasn't even in the game long enough to truly make an impact. This rare item lasted less than half an hour, which is probably some sort of record.
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This Fortnite item was vaulted after less than half an hour
Over the years, Fortnite has seen items come and go. Many of the items that are only in for a brief amount of time are for challenges. There have also been items in the game for Limited Time Modes, which usually go away after the mode ends.
This particular item was attached to a quest in an LTM, which were both removed from Fortnite pretty quickly. As a result, the Mythic Raptor Claw was only available for 27 minutes.
In this LTM, players need to collect helicopter parts to repair their helicopter and use it to fly up and off the island. That was the objective of the game. Finding the parts was rather difficult, though.
There was an NPC on the island for this mode that would offer a hint. Unfortunately, they would only help if given the Mythic Raptor Claw first.
Loopers needed to kill a pack of raptors to obtain this item, which was a pretty difficult task to complete. Ultimately, the final raptor would drop the Mythic item.
Players then needed to take the item back to the NPC, who would help them find the parts they needed. Epic Games removed the mode pretty quickly, and the quest wasn't that helpful to begin with.
Several other items have been largely forgotten by the community, though none so much as the Mythic Raptor Claw. The revive grenade was exclusive to the Bodyguard LTM, so not many gamers even knew about it.
The Burst Quad Launcher was a worse, more difficult-to-use version of the regular Quad Launcher. It was an Exotic that could be purchased from an NPC but wasn't available for that long.
The Infinity Stones were also forgotten by many players. A lot of players probably remember playing the Avengers Endgame LTM, but many may have forgotten that before the gauntlet could spawn, the Chitauri had to collect the stones.

A Portal Gun was added to the game solely for the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 event. In this, players had to seal the portals around the Zero Point, and it was never seen again.
Many items will see the same fate in the future since not everything Epic adds can be a perfect, beloved new item.