Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 has entered Week 4 with loads of challenges and discoveries to be made.
One feature Fortnite has implemented this Season is "Alien Artifacts". Aliens have arrived on the battle royale island with unknown intentions, but it is clear they don't come in peace.
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Fortnite players are able to locate these Alien Artifacts to complete weekly challenges. What these Artifacts mean is anyone's guess outside of customizing the Kymera Battle Pass skin. Gathering them all may reveal their secrets, so here are all their locations thus far.
All Alien Artificats in Fortnite Season 7 so far

Alien Artifacts have been dropping on the island each week, from one to four. If players miss out on a week, they will still be there to collect and complete the challenges.
Fortnite has never failed to deliver or implement innovative ways to embellish its gameplay and enthrall players. Having said that, Fortnite never drops anything new without an interesting caveat.
Provided below are some tidbits which entail weekly locations of these artifacts. Each week one will have the location of the Alien Artifacts to acquire an idea of where to look. For visual learners, a video is also provided to showcase the exact location in Fortnite.
Week 1
- Catty Corner: To the west, up the scratching post
- Zero Point: The base of the crater in the middle of the map
- Weeping Woods: To the west, in a shack close to the Durrr Burger
- Believer Beach: To the east, at the bottom of the Spire stairs
- Corny Complex: Across the road in the northern orchard
Week 2
- Corny Complex: At the start of the bridge to the south
- Pleasant Park: Close to the Spire, behind the northeast house
- Believer Beach: To the west, on top of the IO base sattelite dish
- Retail Row: To the northeast, by the pool near the pylon
- Misty Meadows: On the west island to the north, in the house near the Spire
Week 3
- Craggy Cliffs: Due east of this POI
- Coral Castle: In the center castle of this POI
- Slurpy Swamp: Found inside the factory
- Boney Burbs: At the main building of this POI
Week 4
- Lazy Lake: To the north, in the shack behind the yellow house
- Weeping Woods: In the smaller of the two cabins, near the ceiling in front of a window
- Holly Hedges: At the center of this POI, under a shelving unit
- Dirty Docks: Under the far set of stairs at the blue warehouse
- Steamy Stacks: The center building, on the pipes running along the building