Another free PlayStation Plus skin, Jun-Hwan, will soon be released for Fortnite Battle Royale players. While the skin looks amazing, it will be limited to PlayStation users who are subscribed to the PlayStation Plus service.
Epic Games has collaborated with Sony for many years. Due to this, PlayStation gamers have received a lot of exclusive content. A new exclusive pack comes in almost every season and is excellent for those who own Sony's gaming console.
With Jun-Hwan's release just around the corner, we will reveal if Loopers can obtain the free PlayStation Plus skin on PC and other gaming platforms.
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Are Fortnite PC players able to obtain the free PlayStation Plus skin?

PlayStation Plus subscribers who play Fortnite will be delighted to hear that they can obtain the Jun-Hwan skin for free. To do this, they must open the PlayStation Store, add the free skin to their cart, and finish the checkout.
Players who are not subscribed to Sony's exclusive service can get a free trial and obtain the free PlayStation Plus skin. Unlike other PlayStation Plus games, once players obtain the skin, it will stay in their locker, regardless of their subscription status.
It's important to note that the new skin hasn't been released yet. However, it's expected to come out by Fortnite Chapter 4.

Players can also obtain the free PlayStation Plus skin on other devices, including PC. Unfortunately, this process is relatively complicated for anyone who doesn't own Sony's gaming console.
Fortnite PC players will need to log in to PlayStation to obtain the free PlayStation Plus skin. If they cannot access the console physically, they will have to share their account with their friends who have the console, which can be quite risky.
Unfortunately, considering that the Jun-Hwan skin will come out as part of the Epic Games x Sony collaboration, there isn't much that players can do about it. To obtain the skin, non-PlayStation users will have to link their accounts properly.
How to link your Fortnite accounts

If you are a PC player who wants to obtain the new PlayStation-exclusive skin, you will have to connect a PlayStation account to your Epic Games account. To do this, visit and follow these steps:
- Log in with your Epic Games account
- Open account settings
- Choose the "Connections" item from the left-side menu
- Switch to the "Accounts" tab
- Connect your PlayStation Network account

Once you successfully link your PlayStation Network account to your Epic Games account, you can use exclusive skins on your PC. Considering that Fortnite features cross-progression, you will be able to transfer your skins from one system to another.
The process is the same for every other platform. If you are an Xbox player, you must link your Xbox Live and PlayStation Network accounts. By doing this, Epic will recognize that you are the owner of both accounts, which is why you'll be able to use the PlayStation-exclusive skin on another gaming system.