Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 is well underway, and even though Season 3 is getting a bit of hype, loopers know a lot of work remains to be completed in the current season.
One of the toughest jobs for regular or casual players in the game is completing the entire ten pages of the Battle Pass.
The grind is a huge one to reach rank 100. The objective gets harder with each level as the required XP increases.
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Therefore, players must complete events, challenges, and other side businesses to gather enough XP to complete the Battle Pass progress and unlock the skins.
XP glitches in Fortnite Battle Royale come in handy just for this purpose. A new glitch map has been discovered, and players can get up to 60,000 XP from it if they perform the glitch correctly.
Note: XP glitches are generally patched within 12 to 24 hours of being discovered. If the following XP glitch doesn't work, please refer to the other methods available in our Fortnite section.
A step by step guide on how to earn 60,000 XP and more on the Fortnite Best 1v1
Follow the steps given below to quickly earn a ton of XP from this new Creative mode map in Chapter 3 Season 2:
1) Enter the Creative Hub and enter the island code: 3611-2125-1702 to enter the map.

2) Once the loopers are inside the map, go to the menu and click "Start Game." This way, players will not have to wait for the map to finish the countdown and get on with the glitch faster.
3) After entering the map, go to one of the 'Respawn' rifts on the right. It will take players to an open platform where tons of items and weapons will be laid out.

4) Pick up a grappler from the ground for faster movement on the platform. Go to the 'Sky Colors' section on the right and pickaxe the 'Clear' box once or twice. The color of the sky will go from night to day.
5) Next, head straight to the area that says 'Earn XP.' Build up to five levels in the area and then build a floor. On the floor, perform any emote. It doesn't matter what emote it is, players can perform any Fortnite dance and it should work.

6) Once the emote is complete, players will be teleported back to the platform's start, and they should immediately start receiving 5000 XP per second. The rate of the XP generation also builds up gradually for some players.
Disclaimer: Epic Games can issue bans for exploiting XP glitches. Therefore, players are advised not to abuse these methods.