The conclusion of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 is just over a month away. Players still have a lot of challenges to complete, cruise through several levels, and unlock all available rewards. However, with limited time remaining, it would be useful to know what level is needed to unlock everything.
Although all Battle Pass rewards can be unlocked by reaching level 100, players need a lot more levels to acquire enough Battle Stars. There are also Super Styles for a lot of skins that one would like to unlock before the season comes to an end. For anyone thinking they only need a hundred levels, there is still a long way to go.
Leveling up isn't hard in the ongoing season, as players have access to several rewarding quests. However, climbing the ranks could be challenging for players new to the season, unlike others who have already unlocked all the rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4.
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Minimum level needed in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 to unlock everything
Every season, Epic Games offers players a variety of rewards to make the game fun. While most rewards have separate challenges and questlines, players need to level up to unlock all Battle Pass rewards. Leveling up helps earn Battle Stars, which can be used to unlock skins and cosmetics from the pass. Moreover, a minimum level is needed to unlock every page of the pass.
Just like every other season, you will need to reach a minimum of level 140 in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 to unlock all the rewards. Upon doing so, you will have unlocked the pages in the Battle Pass with enough Battle Stars to unlock each reward too. Many players have already reached the 140 level mark, while others are yet to reach the milestone.

Players can clearly pick and choose some rewards, such as Meow Skulls, Grriz, or Bytes outfits, if they do not reach the required level. However, if they want the Spider-Gwen skin and other Super Styles from Battle Pass skins, they will need to reach level 140 before the season ends.
How to level up fast in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4?
Players need 11,120,000 XP in order to reach level 140. A month's time is enough for players to reach level 140, even if they are just starting off now. There are several daily and weekly quests that award significant XP. Moreover, there are a number of NPC questlines that also reward players with a lot of XP.

Players can also resort to frequent XP glitches that keep showing up every once in a while. This might not be the most ethical way of leveling up fast, but it works for a lot of players. Ultimately, playing regularly, besides completing milestones and other quests, should be enough to help players unlock all the rewards in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4.