The latest Fortnite XP glitch is ideal for leveling up the game's Battle Pass. With this glitch, you will be able to gain multiple levels in a single session and unlock various Battle Pass rewards.
It's important to note that using Fortnite XP maps is not a bannable offense. Despite popular belief, using these maps does not go against the rules and Epic Games does not ban players or creators who use these maps.
This article will explain everything you need to know about the latest Fortnite XP glitch. We will provide a step-by-step explanation on how to use it to your advantage, as well as reveal the amount of XP you can gain from it.
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The latest Fortnite XP glitch is perfect for leveling up your Battle Pass

Once again, the latest Fortnite XP glitch has been discovered by popular Fortnite YouTuber Glitch King. The YouTuber has found yet another fantastic way for players to level up during Chapter 3 Season 4. Thanks to these glitches, millions of players from around the world have managed to level up quickly and with very little effort.
The latest glitch is unique as it requires you to spend less than a minute to set it all up. Most XP glitches require performing a couple of actions, but this one is rather straightforward.
To benefit from this, you simply need to enter a particular Creative map. As soon as you are in, you will begin earning XP and leveling up.
Here are all the steps you need to take to enjoy this new Fortnite XP glitch:
1) Enter a Creative map

To start earning XP from the new glitch, you first need to join a custom Creative map. There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to launch the game and access the game mode selection menu. From there, go to the Island Code tab and enter 4674-5588-9061 into the relevant box.
You will receive a pop-up with the Creative map used for the latest Fortnite XP glitch. Confirm it and enter the game through private matchmaking. Keep in mind that you must have private matchmaking enabled for this particular glitch to work.
2) Get XP and level up

The moment you enter this custom Creative map, you will begin earning XP. Interestingly, there isn't a single action that you need to do to trigger this glitch, which is what makes this map so good.
When it comes to the amount of XP you receive per session, you can expect anywhere from 300,000 to 700,000 XP. Each session lasts four hours, but once it expires, you can simply rejoin the Creative map and begin the glitch all over again.
If you intend on staying on the map for a few hours, make sure to enter the Bouncers room. You can do this by interacting with a button at the Bouncers room as soon as you spawn. By doing this, you will prevent the game from kicking you out for being AFK.