Invisibility does not exist in Fortnite Chapter 4, but that hasn't stopped a few players from trying to achieve the same during gameplay. It has been discovered that players can indeed turn invisible with a bit of trial and error, thanks to certain in-game mechanics.
A new in-game glitch that was recently discovered allows players to turn invisible with ease. Here's how players can achieve invisibility in Fortnite:
Step-by-step guide on how to become completely invisible in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
1) Find a Red-Eye Assault Rifle and a Truck

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The first step to becoming invisible requires players to find a Red-Eye Assault Rifle and a Truck. Both of these can be found at Slappy Shores. However, since the drop location ranks seventh in terms of "sweatiness," players shouldn't have a hard time locking the area down.
2) Enter the vehicle, switch seats, and ADS with the Red-Eye Assault Rifle

After securing the Red-Eye Assault Rifle and a Truck, players will have to enter the vehicle and switch sweats. Once in the passenger seat, the next step is to select the Red-Eye Assault Rifle and aim down sight (ADS) with it. If performed correctly, there will be a small visual glitch and the screen will zoom in and out.
3) Switch to any other weapon and ADS to remove the invisibility effect

Once players exit the vehicle, they will be completely invisible. Apart from their weapon, they will not be able to see any other part of the character's body. To remove this invisibility effect, all one needs to do is select another weapon and ADS with it. But here's the twist: players aren't invisible.
The invisibility glitch only affects the player
Despite the glitch working as intended, the invisibility only affects the player executing the glitch. While they cannot see themselves in-game, others most certainly can. If anything, this glitch provides a false sense of security for the player more than anything else.
That said, there's no reason to try out this glitch apart from the need to quell the curious mind. Nevertheless, it is fun to try out with a friend in-game. On this note, it should be mentioned that this glitch is 100% safe.
Since it's graphical in nature and only affects the player in question, there's nothing to worry about. This does not violate any terms of service (ToS) put forth by Epic Games.
Will there be an invisibility Reality Augment in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1?
While the notion of having such an Augment in-game would appeal to the masses, it's a huge risk that Epic Games is not likely to take. An actual invisibility glitch would be game-breaking, but will likely face numerous complaints.
If the Reality Augment system is perfected in the future, the developers may implement a pseudo-invisibility Augment. Perhaps something like masking the sound of gunfire or hiding the footsteps of players as they move about the map.