Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 Battle Pass was released on Friday, March 10, and has brought numerous amazing cosmetic items to the video game. However, Battle Pass owners must level up to unlock all these cosmetics.
Leveling up in the current season is relatively easy. Unfortunately, some players cannot play daily, so they need to carefully calculate how much XP they need to earn to unlock all the rewards.
By reaching level 100, all the basic Battle Pass rewards can be unlocked. This article will explain how much XP is needed to reach level 100 in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 and how players can achieve this.
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Players need to earn around 8 million XP to reach level 100 in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 is scheduled to end on June 2, meaning players have two and a half months to complete the new Battle Pass. This is enough time to complete all the challenges and unlock valuable rewards.
Once again, each Battle Pass level requires 80,000 XP. When we multiply this by 99 levels, we get 7.92 million XP. This is how much XP is necessary to reach level 100 in the current season of Fortnite Battle Royale.
As of March 14, there are 81 days left in the season. This comes down to 97,778 XP per day to reach the level.

Active players can easily reach level 100, receiving 48,000 XP daily from completing three daily quests. However, inactive players can utilize Supercharged XP to gain leveling boosts and catch up with the rest of the community.
Supercharged XP only affects in-game actions, such as opening chests or getting eliminations. It can grant players up to 12 times more XP for basic actions, making it valuable.
Additionally, Epic Games releases weekly challenges every Tuesday. These quests grant from 12,000 to 24,000 XP, and there is also a bonus for completing them in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2.

Fortnite Syndicate quests are another excellent method of leveling up. Seven quests are currently available in the game and grant around 112,000 in total.
Players who don't have much time to play the video game can use Fortnite XP glitches to level up. These glitches are perfect for players who want to gain Battle Pass levels while away from their gaming systems.