Epic Games is adding in a host of new and redesigned weapons to Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5. While they are not new per se, most of these weapons have not been seen since the OG days of Chapter 1 and at times, Chapter 2. By the looks of it, the loot pool will be very diverse in Chapter 4 Season 5. According to leakers/data-miners, some weapons will be added over the duration of the season.
It has to do with the timeline being accelerated and the island rapidly going through a different season every week. The timeline in Chapter 4 Season 5 will start at Chapter 1 Season 5 and continue until Chapter 1 Season X. As mentioned, new weapons will be added in every update/hotfix that occurs. That being said, here's a complete list of new guns coming to the game.
Full list of new weapons coming to the game in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5
As mentioned, every week, new weapons will be added to the loot pool. However, this does not necessarily mean that older ones will be removed. They may be present, but their spawn rate will be reduced to ensure that the newer weapons get the limelight.
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Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5 (Week 1) - The return of Tiled, Greasy, and Risky
For the first week in-game, the Assault Rifle, Pump Shotgun, and Hunting Rifle will be unvaulted and added to the loot pool. These are OG weapons from the heart of Chapter 1 and will provide close-range to long-range combat capabilities. To add to the excitement, the Damage Trap, Grappler, and Boogie Bomb will be added in as well. Players will be able to use them to gain a tactical advantage.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5 (Week 2) - Darkness rises in Loot Lake
For the second week in-game, the Double Barrel Shotgun, Clinger, and Six Shooter will be unvaulted and added to the loot pool. For players who like to get up-close and personal with their target, the Six Shooter is an amazing weapon for just the occasion. To make things interesting and bring in the winter chill, Chiller Traps will be added back in-game alongside Port-a-Fortress fort and Mounted Turrets.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5 (Week 3) - Of chill and treasure
For the third week in-game, the Flint-Knock Pistol, Minigun, and Quad Launcher will be unvaulted and added to the loot pool. The Flint-Knock Pistol is amazing for knocking back opponents and off buildings, while the Quad Launcher will be perfect for breaking down structures. To supplement these weapons, the Poison Dart Trap, Itemized Glider Redeploy, and Buried Treasure will also be making a comeback.
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5 (Week 4) - Blast off!
For the fourth and final week in-game, the Heavy Sniper Rifle, Proximity Grenade Launcher, Air Strike, and Junk Rift will be unvaulted and added to the loot pool. Although Fortnitemares 2023 ended a while ago, players will be able to enjoy the Junk Rift once again in the Battle Royale mode. To finish off strong in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 5, the Storm Flip and Jetpacks will also be added in. Players will be able to defy the laws of nature (and gravity) to fight opponents on their terms.