Fortnite's v30.00 update has introduced a brand new biome to the game - the Wasteland. This new area has been occupied by a faction called the Wasteland Warriors who rode along the sandstorm that created this biome. These people have access to modified vehicles that show that they are well-established. Read on to learn everything that the v30.00 update brought to the game,
Crash the Party in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked! patch notes

Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
Welcome to the Wasteland
- Redline Rig: This is a Nitro refinery run by The Machinist, the Wasteland Warrior's master mechanic.
- Nitrodome: This is a circus of car spectacle governed by Ringmaster Scarr.
- Brutal Beachhead: This is the base of operations for the Wasteland Warriors. You can find this faction's master muscle Megalo Don here.
Go Nitro
- You can find Nitro Splash and Nitro Barrels throughout the island to get nitro boosts for your car. Nitro Splash is a portable Nitro container that you can use to manually add Nitro to your car.
Nitro-fied car
- Driving speed increase
- Explosive ramming power that deals damage and knockback
- Fuel consumption decrease
- Buff to attached attack mods
Nitro-fied Player
- Movement speed increase
- Explosive bashing power that deals damage and knockback
- Stamina consumption decrease
- Reload speed increase
- Fall damage immunity
Pack a punch with Nitro Fists
You can use Nitro Fists to perform a 3x punch combo, an uppercut, or an aerial punch.
Fortify your ride
- Machine Gun Turret: Have a passenger fire a machine gun while someone else drives
- Grenade Launcher Turret: Some would call this littering, but the Grenades will get rid of themselves by exploding
- Spiked Bumper: Deal more damage to players and objects on impact
- Cow Catcher: Boost your ramming power and give your car some defensive armor
- Bulletproof Tires: Tired of tire poppers? Make your tires indestructible!
- Chonkers Off-Road Tires: Make your car more off-road friendly. Especially useful if you're not driving an SUV.
Furbish your ride
You can make SUVs your own and modify them. You can get the Behemoth Bundle from the Shop for this. It includes:
- Behemoth Car Body
- Flames Behemoth Decal
- Lightning Behemoth Decal
- Stripes Behemoth Decal
- Wings Behemoth Decal
- Behemoth Blackout Decal
- Behemoth Dune Hunter Decal
- Behemoth Offroad Wheels
- Behemoth Blackout Wheels
- Behemoth Dune Hunter Decal
- Behemoth Offroad Wheeks
- Behemoth Blackout Wheels
Lose the Battle Bus, win the War Bus
Fight for a prized War Bus after jumping from the Battle Bus. On the island, there are two being driven by patrollers; take control of one and embark on a chaotic road trip!
Every War Bus is equipped with an EMP pulse produced by a horn and two cannons atop.
Create a roadblock with a Boom Bolt
Automobiles are not invincible. In an emergency, such as traffic jams, pull out a Boom Bolt, a quick-firing, modifiable crossbow that fires explosive bolts. A few solid whiplash blows will damage it sufficiently to create backup traffic from Reckless Railways to The Underworld (assuming anyone would voluntarily choose to spend time in the abyss).
Wrench Wretches

Beating the Wasteland Warriors will reward you generously:
- Exterminate the Machinist: She will drop her Medallion. Defeating her inside the Redline Rig will give you access to her car. You will have to hijack her car if she is in a convoy. No matter where you defeat her, she will reward you with a Mythic weapon -- The Machinist's Combat Assault Rifle.
- Conquer Ringmaster Scarr: the Ringmaster Scarr's Medallion will give you infinite ammo and damage buff. You can defeat her to occupy her kitted-out car. You will also get access to the Mythic Ringmaster's Boom Bolt.
- Overwhelm Megalo Don: His Medallion will infuse you with infinite Nitro. You will also also get his Mythic Nitro Fists.
Zap that thirst with Nuka-Cola
Nuka-Cola will restore your health and your shield over time while playing Fortnite.
Kind Cacti
You can pickaxe Slurp Cacti in Fortnite to splash healing cactus fruit around you. You can also drive your car over these Cacti to heal yourself with this item.
Also read: Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Possible release timings for all regions based on previous updates
Old Weapons aren't a waste
Don't even try to keep that new car smell. Unvaulted and carried-over weapons are at your disposal for the start of Chapter 5 Season 3:
- Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun
- Combat Shotgun
- Gatekeeper Shotgun
- Hammer Pump Shotgun
- Oscar's Frenzy Auto Shotgun (wait... Oscar?)
- Warforged Assault Rifle
- Tactical Assault Rifle: Balance changes -- Increased damage at long distances, Reduced recoil, and Reduced bullet spread.
- Enforcer AR: Balance changes -- Increased damage, Increased fire rate, and Increased critical hit multiplier.
- Thunder Burst SMG
- Harbinger SMG
- Huntress DMR
- Ranger Pistol
- Hand Cannon: Balance changes -- Increased damage at long distances and Increased projectile speed.
- Shockwave Grenade (technically not a weapon)
Play as a Wastelander with the Wrecked Battle Pass
You will get the following outfits after purchasing the Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 Battle Pass:
- The Machinist (unlocked right away!): Control your fire.
- Rust: Shred the wasteland.
- Peabody: Phil, Earl, and Axle. Three peas in a podcoat.
- Ringmaster Scarr: Rule the chaos. Run the destruction.
- T-60 Power Armor: Courtesy of the Brotherhood of Steel.
- Brite Raider: Drive fast. Burn bright.
- Megalo Don: Nitro-fueled apex predator.
Tournament Notes

Competitors! Bring it on in a new Season of Battle Royale in Fortnite. You can learn about Season 3's competitive offerings in our Competitive Details blog post! Chapter 5 Season 3 features not in tournaments include (but aren't limited to):
- Bulletproof Tires
- Chonkers Off-Road Tires
- Cow Catchers
- Drivable Vehicles
- Grenade Launcher Turrets
- Machine Gun Turrets
- Off-Road Tires
- Repair Boxes
- Repair Torches
- Service Stations
- Shockwave Grenades
- Spiked Bumpers
- Vehicle Mod Boxes
- War Busses
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