Fortnite's library of skins is vast, with the game's collection comprising original skins and faithful collaborations from across pop culture. While many of the designs and creative choices are appreciated by the community, one style of skins has garnered a lot of attention from players; cel-shaded skins. These skins implement the toon shading technique, a non-photorealistic style of rendering characters that makes them look 2D in a 3D environment.
The cel-shading style is a consistently used technique in anime skins like Eren Jaeger and Goku and has become a beloved addition to the game's cosmetic prowess.
Players in the community feel Fortnite should implement an option to toggle the cel-shading style on and off skins. This point was brought forward in a recent Reddit post shared by u/yesjon. The player showcased a series of images featuring cel-shaded skins like Mikasa Ackermann and Cell with a bug that causes their cel-shaded styles to be turned off.

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The post became a hub of discussion among players, with Reddit user u/StretchExact7555 pointing out how since there are so many cel-shaded skins in Fortnite at this point, there should be a cel-shading toggle for at least some of them.
Meanwhile, Reddit user u/Xelement0911 highlighted how cel-shaded skins tend to look odd in a match since everything on the map is designed to be 3D. This prompted an idea from Reddit user u/Rusty_Rhin0, who suggested a cel-shaded map or POI, a design choice that could make any location stand out.

Additionally, Reddit user u/SomeCallMeDora provided a detailed concept of how the cel-shaded toggle could be implemented into the game. They explained how if Epic Games were to make this an option, they should add more texture to the clothes so they don't look awkward or "cheap" in 3D.
Reddit user u/Em1Wii echoed their sentiments as they used Court Queen Erisa as an example of a skin that looks unfinished without cel-shading.
Could Epic Games add a cel-shading style option to Fortnite?
There is no doubt that the collection of cel-shaded skins in the game is vast, with characters from many different popular anime franchises like Dragon Ball and even potentially One Piece being featured. Thus, adding a cel-shading style option would allow players to embody these characters with a new look and perspective.
However, as pointed out in a comment by Reddit user u/Xombridal under the post, cel-shading is essentially a requirement for collaboration and distribution of the characters, a mandate enforced by the original rights holders of these characters.
For now, there have been no announcements from Epic Games regarding this matter. Hence, the future of cel-shaded skins in Fortnite remains uncertain.