Slap Barrels and Slurp Barrels are interesting items that were introduced at the beginning of Fortninte Chapter 4 and 2, respectively. By blowing up a Slurp Barrel and being nearby when it explodes, you can gain 10 HP. The easiest way to do this is by using a pickaxe, although it may also be done with regular weapons or by demolishing them with construction. A Slap Barrel, on the other hand, can be broken to get the benefits of Slap Juice, which will allow you to run non-stop for 50 seconds.
Players in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 are required to break 15 Slap or Slurp Barrels by hitting weak points in-game. They have to do this as part of the "This Season" Challenge during Week 7, which will award them 15,000 XP.
Step-by-step guide on how to destroy Slap or Slurp Barrels by hitting weak points in Fortnite
To complete this Fortnite challenge, you must do two things: Find Slap or Slup Barrels and destroy them by hitting their weak points.
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1) Finding Slap or Slurp Barrels

There are Slurp and Slap Barrels all across the Fortnite island. They are primarily concentrated in a few POIs, although there are a few distributed around landmarks as well. The Slurp Barrels are mostly concentrated in Brutal Bastion, while the Slap Barrels are present in Slappy Shores.
However, there is a hack to this. Instead of rummaging around the map for these items, you can head to Slappy Shores straight away, which contains 28 Slap Barrels and 19 Slurp Barrels. This is more than enough to complete the task.
2) Destroying the barrels by using their weak points

The next task is to destroy the Slap or Slurp Barrels with your pickaxe. Although weapons can be utilized for this activity, pickaxes work best. It is important to remember that to complete this task, you need to hit the weak points of these barels. These are shown as red dots inside blue circles, and they come up when you use a pickaxe to hit a structure. You can harvest materials more quickly by using weak points to deal 100 damage rather than the usual 50 damage.
To complete this task, you must aim your pickaxe towards the blue circle or red dot with your crosshair in order to attack a weak spot. These move around the structure after being struck, making it challenging to strike all of them sequentially for constructions with a lot of life points.
Keep your cool, focus on the blue circles with the red dot, and hit it on that exact spot. All in all, it is not that hard to complete this task. The barrels even make a rhytmic sound when hit on the weak spots, making this activity quite satisfying.