A Fortnite fan has made an incredible trailer for The Resistance that might offer a little bit of unintended insight into the highly anticipated live event for this season.
The Resistance has been the tagline for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. The war with the Imagined Order came to a head at the beginning of the season, with the IO controlling most major POIs and importing tanks, airships, and other weapons to destroy The Seven and keep players in the loop.

The Resistance is headed up by Doctor Strange, The Prowler (who began on the side of the IO), Tsuki 2.0, The Origin and The Imagined. Naturally, other members of The Seven who weren't on the image are also involved. WIth official details regarding the upcoming live event still secret, tha fan-made trailer serves as an effective piece of satisfaction for fans.
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Fortnite players makes hype trailer for Chapter 3 Season 2 live event
The trailer begins with a brief look at the logo of Mecha Team Leader, the giant robot that played a huge part of Season 9 and the end of Chapter 1. The return of the robot has been a popular theory for the live event, fueled by an official teaser using the same logo.
Given the use of the Doomsday device, which is also an old part of the Fortnite storyline, it makes sense. A good way for Epic Games to connect the storylines from previous seasons is by bringing back old parts, and that seems to be Mecha Team Leader.
The storyline has been connected, but sometimes it's by a very loose thread. Bringing back Mecha Team Leader would directly connect Chapter 3 to Chapter 1.
The rest of the trailer is simply a stunning animation of one member of The Seven suiting up. The Fortnite character in question might be The Imagined, one of The Sisters who was finally revealed this season.
The trailer is brief and only shows her suiting up for the climactic end to the war. It pays homage to incredible suit-up scenes from movies like Iron Man and Pacific Rim.
The animation is great and it looks like it could be something Epic Games have released themselves. While a trailer for the live event seems unlikely, Fortnite did release a teaser a few days ago.
It's cryptic, but it does feature Mecha Team Leader and gives players just a taste of what might come. Ultimately, the live event will be a surprise even though there has been a teaser and a couple of leaks regarding it.
The future of Fortnite is in question with this event. Should The Seven be victorious, they'll break the loop and free loopers, potentially ending the game.
If the IO win, they'll maintain the loop and probably destroy some of the island and all of The Seven. Whatever is going to happen in this live event is certainly going to have serious effects on the island and the game moving forward.
The live event will be in the early days of June, as Chapter 3 Season 3 is tentatively set to start on June 3.