Fortnite players are no strangers to free cosmetics. Epic Games often releases them for players in exchange for minimal effort. Sometimes players are tasked with completing a couple of challenges, and other objectives task them with watching a stream on Twitch. There have even been times when players didn't have to do anything to receive a free reward.
With the FNCS Grand Finals just wrapping up, duos from across the world competed for their chance to take home their region's prize money. As always, there were drops for this event that non-participating players could get.
One such reward is the Seeker's Strike loading screen, which can be obtained for free. Here's how to check if you can get it.
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Fortnite free loading screen: How to get Seeker's Strike and other free cosmetics
The Seeker's Strike loading screen comes as part of this season's Twitch drops. These drops include the aforementioned loading screen, King and Champion Spray, Peaceful Emoji, and the Champion's Honor Backbling.
There are two main ways to unlock this loading screen. The first is simply to watch the FNCS Chapter 3 Season 3 Grand Finals broadcast on YouTube. This has to be done for an hour to unlock the loading screen.
The second option is a little easier. Fortnite gamers simply need to visit a Creative Island for about 15 minutes to unlock it. The island code 3303-7480-5925 will feature the broadcast and is an alternative method of viewing the tournament.
This required less time than the social media stream, making it the most popular method for getting the Seeker's Strike loading screen.

For anyone who missed out or couldn't watch the Fortnite stream, the cosmetic rewards will likely be available in the Item Shop at a later date.
Here's what Epic Games had to say about the drops:
"We’ve got four new cosmetic Drops that you can earn by watching FNCS this season! Tune in to, Legends Landing, or any Drops-supported Twitch channel during the FNCS competitions to earn this season’s Drops. To ensure you’re eligible for Drops on Twitch, please link your Epic account and Twitch account within 14 days of claiming your Drop reward to be processed."
Since the Fortnite Grand Finals have concluded, the rewards are no longer free. If someone watched the stream and didn't get the rewards, it could mean one of two things.
First, it could mean that their accounts weren't linked. If that's the case, players have 14 days to link their Epic and Twitch accounts to earn the drops.
The second possibility is that players didn't watch the streams long enough. This was mainly because it was unclear exactly how long the viewing had to be.
It was mentioned to be an hour, but prominent leaker and data miner iFireMonkey stressed that it could have been a different amount of time due to issues with YouTube drops. If the account is linked and one still didn't receive the rewards, then they likely didn't qualify.