The ability to eliminate opponents in Fortnite is key to securing a Victory Royale. The first to shoot is usually the first to come out on top of things in most situations. While there are a few exceptions, in general, this rule works in most circumstances. However, the key to winning every fight is making sure that you do not lose health/hit-points or at least, minimize the loss of it.
That being said, as part of the "This Season" challenge for Week 8 in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4, you will have to get consecutive eliminations on enemy players. This has to be done without losing out on any hit-points/health. Since this task is rather difficult, you will get 35,000 experience points for completing it.
Get consecutive eliminations on enemy players without losing health in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4
To complete this challenge, you must do three things: Find good loot, find an advantageous shoot position, and lastly, eliminate enemy players without losing hit-points/health.
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1) Find/buy good loot

To ensure the highest levels of success in this challenge, the first thing you will have to do is secure high-tier loot. This can be done in a number of ways. You can secure Capture Points, search combat caches and chests, and even buy weapons/items from NPCs and Vending Machines. Whichever method suits you best, use it to get the best loot during the early-game.
2) Look for high-ground or a defendable position

Once you have enough loot, the next step will be very important to successfully complete this challenge. You will have to look for high-ground or a position that you can defend against attacks. Ridges, tree-tops, and hills are good locations that offer both high-ground and the ability to defend them. In addition to looking for these places, look for hard-cover that cannot be destroyed. This will bolster your ability to fight without having to worry about taking damage.
3) Eliminate the enemy player quickly to avoid being shot at

Since the goal of this challenge is to eliminate two enemy player without losing hit-points/health, it would be wise to try and land headshots. This will minimize the TTK (Time-To-Kill) and ensure that the opponent has limited time to react or counter-attack. In this manner, you should be able to eliminate two opponents easily.
Keep in mind, since the challenge mentions health/hit-points, it is very likely the shields and the Overshield will not be taken into consideration. As such, it may be possible to absorb some damage without compromising the task at hand. Nevertheless, not getting hit is probably the best option there is.