Fortnite has been around since 2017. First, Save The World was introduced, and then eventually, the game got its very own Battle Royale mode. Although STW has become a 'dead game' to an extent, it is largely due to the developers shifting their focus to the BR mode.
However, there are a few elements within the community who seem to believe that the BR mode is also dead. While the stats contradict their statement, it is not easy to get through to certain individuals. Well, it seems that the developers have had enough of these 'trolls' and have decided to take matters into their own hands.
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'Dead Game' skin hits back at Fortnite trolls
The saying, "if you can't beat them, join them," has been widely used throughout history in different situations. Now, the developers over at Epic Games have decided that it is time to embody the spirit of the proverb.
In the latest survey leaked for Fortnite, a skin was showcased, which had the words 'Dead Game' written on the character's clothing. Hence, it is clear that the developers have finally joined the bandwagon with the trend.
Rather than combating these trolls, they have decided to join them and monetize the trend in the process. Given how well-known the 'Dead Game' statement has become within the community, the skin is bound to sell like hot cakes if it is added to the game.
While not all concept skins make it to the game, this one is likely to be added to the game for sure. Owing to all the pop-culture references, even players who love Fortnite and support it are able to buy the skin to counter-troll the trolls. All factors considered, it is safe to say that this is a win-win situation for Epic Games.
The Fortnite community's response
The 'Dead Game' skin already sends a strong message to trolls. However, not all fans are satisfied with it. For them, the only way to shut down these 'toxic' individuals is to rub some analytical data in their faces.
A user by the name ToonyTom21 on YouTube suggested that the developers could add some text on the back of the skin displaying the number of concurrent players. Since the statement 'Dead Game' indicates that no one is playing the game, doing so will surely make for an interesting talking point.

However, there seems to be a darkside to the skin as well. Since it's a skin that comes off as relentless and sleek in design, users are already of the opinion that it will become sweaty. Of course, for the time being, this is all a 'What If' scenario.
Nevertheless, having the skin in-game will really turn some heads and buff Epic Games' bank. Hopefully, the concept becomes a reality and the 'Dead Game' slogan transitions from bad-mouthing the game to a mere meme.