Players recently discovered a unique Fortnite glitch that lets them complete the Outlaw Keycard quest easily in Chapter 6 Season 2. The v34.10 update allowed players to access the Black Market backrooms and upgrade the tier of their loot by completing certain Outlaw card quests. However, this new bug allows one to complete the boon or medallion mission with ease.
Here's everything to know about the Fortnite glitch that lets you complete the Outlaw Keycard quest easily in Chapter 6 Season 2.
Note: As of writing, the glitch is still functional in the game. However, Epic Games might fix it soon.
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Fortnite glitch allows players to easily complete the Outlaw Keycard quest in Chapter 6 Season 2
Recently, X user and legacy leaker @iFireMonkey found a Fortnite glitch that allowed players to easily complete the Outlaw Keycard quest in Chapter 6 Season 2 Lawless. The v34.10 introduced the backrooms, allowing players to unlock these bunkers using the outlaw keycards. To upgrade the card and unlock better rewards, they had to complete a series of quests or missions.
One of these missions required players to collect medallions or boons — a rather tricky mission since the item is very limited and has many players gunning to get it. However, @iFireMonkey discovered that picking up and dropping a medallion repeatedly completes the mission, eliminating the need to hunt for the item in multiple matches.
Simply collect a boon or a medallion by fighting the NPCs or raiding a vault. Pick up the item and then remove it from your inventory. Once removed, pick it up again to add to the count. This simple Fortnite glitch helps players upgrade their outlaw keycards to exotic — unlocking powerful weapons like the Lawless Assault Rifle, Lawless Stink Rifle, Lawless Slap Cannon, and more.
Since the Black Market and the backrooms have become a great way for players to get their hands on exotic items and custom-made load-outs, this Fortnite glitch is perfect for getting a headstart towards completing the mission. Players can purchase items and weapons using their cache of gold or using Dill Bits found by raiding vaults and the armored train in Chapter 6 Season 2.
Also read: Doing this can get you banned from the Black Market
Read more articles here:
- Leaks suggest a release date for the second major update (v34.20) of Chapter 6 Season 2
- All Outlaw Keycards in Chapter 6 Season 2 and how to get them
- How to open the secret room at Outlaw Oasis in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2
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