Fortnite is generally a well-maintained game. Rarely do any game-breaking glitches occur, and if they do, the team usually catches them pretty quickly. They've removed certain game modes, items, and other things to prevent these issues while they worked to find a fix.
However, just because game-breaking glitches are rare doesn't mean there aren't any glitches in the game at all. It's actually quite the contrary. Every single Fortnite update, like the v20.20 one that was released on Tuesday, has bug fixes. And that will continue to be the case for a long time; glitches are perpetual.

They aren't all bad, either. Many of them are fun, and XP glitches can be quite advantageous.
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Here are some glitches that are still active in Chapter 3 Season 2 that players can try out.
Fortnite glitches that are active right now
Glitching through the ceiling
Like many Fortnite glitches, this one comes from Glitch King on YouTube. This glitch is actually helpful if used in the right circumstances. It allows players to glitch right through the ceiling and escape anyone they feel is a threat.
In Command Cavern, right near the vault, the glitch can be exploited. By ramping up at the exact spot, as shown in the video, players can crouch and get access to the zipline. This will take them through the ceiling.
Since Command Cavern is almost always a heavily-populated drop, this glitch can provide an escape from danger if anyone is chasing the player down; they can regroup or just take the zipline and leave.
Flying animation
This glitch is far less helpful, but it is pretty cool. If players place a tent right in front of one of the vertical ziplines attached to an IO blimp, they can zipline and land in the tent, which will glitch and show them the ziplining animation permanently.
This glitch doesn't provide an advantage, but it does look cool. It can make the player look like they're flying, especially if they use a jetpack like in the video.
XP glitch
Several Creative maps offer XP and can even be glitched to earn quite a bit. This one, map code: 361121251702v21, does just that.
If players enter the map, they'll need to go hit the Clear button and switch the map to daytime. After that, players will see an IO blimp in the distance. They will need to ramp up and get on the blimp.
On the front side, the farthest wind turbine has a secret Fortnite XP button that grants quite a bit of Chapter 3 Season 2 XP. This one will likely be patched soon, but it does exist at the time of writing.