Gwen Stacy is coming to Fortnite Battle Royale with the Chapter 3 Season 4 Battle Pass. This is one of the first Fortnite skins that was leaked for the upcoming season and Epic Games has also alluded to it with one of the teasers released during the week.
Considering that Gwen is a Marvel character, we expect her to be another Level 100 skin. This has been the case with almost every collaboration skin in the past, including Spider-Man in Chapter 3 Season 1 and Dr. Strange in the one after it.
While Gwen Stacy's addition is incredible, it could also indicate that Fortnite Battle Royale players will get a Miles Morales collaboration, possibly in the new Battle Pass.
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The new skin looks great and Fortnite leakers have revealed some of its details before its release.
Gwen Stacy could possibly bring Miles Morales to Fortnite
There haven't been any leaks regarding the exact look of Gwen Stacy in Fortnite Battle Royale. However, some leakers believe that she will have a glitchy version with cel-shading.
This mostly comes from the teaser that Epic Games posted. Players have noticed an outline on the character, which will most likely be on her actual skin as well. It's important to note that no other teased skin has this layer, which makes Gwen Stacy unique.
Gwen Stacy is a Spider-Woman and there is a good chance that Epic Games will have multiple styles for her in the game. However, the main version should be the superhero one.
The Marvel character could also bring Miles Morales to the video game. Gwen Stacy and Miles met and fell in love with each other in the Spider-Man comics, which is why Epic Games might add him as well.
While it's true that there are several different Spider-Man skins already in the game, adding Miles Morales would still be a great idea. This outfit would look amazing and there is no doubt that a lot of players would purchase it.
There have been a lot of rumors regarding the addition of Miles Morales to Fortnite Battle Royale, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Gwen Stacy's addition could indicate her partner's as well.
Miles Morales would be the perfect secret skin for the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Battle Pass. However, if this does not happen, Epic Games could release him to the Item Shop during the season and allow players to match skins using the two characters.
Battle Pass information available so far
Epic Games has released a couple of other teasers for the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Battle Pass. It appears that players are getting a new version of Meowscles and even The Paradigm.
The Paradigm is one of the most popular characters in Fortnite lore and was first released into the game in Season X. She was released to the Item Shop, but hasn't been seen since October 2019.

It seems that Epic Games has decided to make her a Battle Pass character and she will be getting a new-and-improved 3D model as well.
Like in previous seasons, the Battle Pass will cost 950 V-Bucks. However, if players want to gift it to their friends, they will have to use real money as V-Bucks gifting is disabled for this item.