The 16.50 update in Fortnite Season 6 saw the introduction of "Foreshadowing Quests," which requires players to investigate a downed black helicopter.
Apart from featuring a 24,000 XP reward for investigating the helicopter, this specific quest in Fortnite Season 6 also presents a potential hint for the upcoming season.
The Farmer Steel NPC asks players to investigate the downed black helicopter in Fortnite Season 6. However, the NPC also adds, "I know IO when I see it," when referring to the helicopter.
This could be a massive Easter egg for a potential return of the IO Guards in Season 7. Aside from the IO, there have also been speculations of an alien invasion.
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The downed black helicopter could also refer to an IO vessel being knocked down by alien forces. However, until Epic Games announces the course of Fortnite Season 7, all of this remains mere speculation.
Players are advised to visit the location and investigate the downed black helicopter for themselves in Fortnite Season 6.
Location of the Downed Black Helicopter in Fortnite Season 6
In order to investigate the downed black helicopter in Fortnite Season 6, players will need to head over to the Stumpy Ridge POI.
For those who are unaware of Stumpy Ridge, it is located near the Guardian of the Lake, the southern-most Guardian tower on the map of Fortnite Season 6. Here's the exact location of the downed black helicopter in Fortnite Season 6.

Players can simply choose to land at the location on the map and investigate the helicopter to earn 24,000 XP towards their Battle Pass progression. Doing this will also allow players to complete the Foreshadowing quests in Fortnite Season 6.
Despite all the questions that the downed black helicopter has raised, there are already a bunch of unanswered questions from the launch of Season 6 like about the future of the Foundation as well as the Spire.
The explanations for all these unanswered questions as well as the storyline for the upcoming season is expected to be confirmed by Epic Games with the release of Fortnite Season 7 on June 8th.