Dueling is not a new concept in Fortnite, and players have had the ability to duel NPCs for many seasons now. However, depending on the NPC they face, victory cannot be guaranteed. This is especially true when going toe-to-toe with Darth Vader or The Foundation. Thankfully, players won't have to duel them anytime soon.
However, to earn 15,000 XP in one of the week 13 challenges of the season, players will have to throw down with an NPC on the island. In a one-round "winner takes all" fight, players will have to test their mettle and fight to the death for glory. Here's how to go about the challenge effectively.

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Guide to dueling an NPC with ease in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3
Taking on an NPC in Fortnite is no easy task. Since they always have an HP pool that's at least twice as large as that of players, they can afford to take a lot of hits before eating dirt. Thankfully, they aren't too bright when it comes to actual combat.
They tend to shoot wide at point-blank range and have issues with pathfinding. Players can use these to gain an advantage and eliminate them without much effort. Currently, three NPCs can be dueled on the island. They are:
- Sabina - Shell Or High Water.
- Mancake - Rocky Reels.
- Panther - In an unmarked structure northeast of Rocky Reels.
Players will have to talk to them to initiate a duel and select the duel option on the pop-up menu. Engaging them without dialog will not initiate a duel. Players will have to find another NPC to duel if a third party kills the NPC they are speaking to.
Few tips to remember when dueling in Fortnite
One of the most important things to remember before starting a duel in Fortnite is ensuring no opponents are in the area. If players get third-partied, their chances of survival will be lowered. If killed, players will have to start a new match to attempt the challenge again.
Secondly, engaging an NPC with traditional weapons is not the best way to go. A sound strategy would be to use Firefly Jars or set off a Gas Can close to the NPC. In this manner, players can rotate to a safe distance while the flames inflict damage on the target.
To maximize this strategy, combat should be done indoors. Since the fire spreads to certain surfaces, it'll ensure that the NPC is unable to avoid taking fire damage. Furthermore, given that NPCs are bullet sponges, this will save players' ammunition and the hassle of having to shoot to kill in-game.
To an extent, it will also ensure that players take no damage from combat. This will help minimize the use of healing items in-game. Lastly, by using fire, any opponent that decides to try and third parties can be dealt with swiftly. With the flames lashing at the NPC, players will be free to engage opponents at will and perhaps even score a double elimination.