The DMR weapon type was added to Fortnite in Chapter 3 Season 3. It is a semi-automatic, fast-firing rifle with a scope that allows for ranged combat. It is somewhat accurate when fired from the hip, but relying on that mode of fire would be folly. Using the scope is the best option to be accurate over long distances.
The weapon requires a certain level of skill and patience to be used proficiently. Unlike SMGs or even ARs, both of which can be used for spray-and-pray tactics, the DMR is more focused on accurate warfare. Despite it being in-game for so long, not everyone has been keen on using it in combat.

With the current season coming to a close, the developers want loopers to try out all weapons in the field before they are vaulted. To incentivize players to use the DMR, 15,000 experience points will be granted to Fortnite players who manage to damage opponents that are greater than 75 meters away.
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Here's how to damage a player with a DMR at greater than 75 meters away in Fortnite Chapter 3
To start, players need to find a DMR. Thanks to the Reality Sapling mechanics, this task can be fulfilled easily. If it's in the Mythic tier, there's a chance to obtain the Mythic variant of the weapon as well. Although the Epic tier will get the job done, the Mythic one does more damage.
Once the weapon has been acquired, the next step will be to find an easy target. The best way to do this is to go to a POI with high traffic throughout the match or find a clueless opponent. Either option will work as long as the target is at a distance of 75 meters or more.
In the case of a high-traffic POI, the best way to spot an opponent will be from high ground. With numerous targets to pick and choose from, there will be plenty of opportunities to score a shot. However, with more targets to shoot at comes the risk of becoming a target as well.
Nevertheless, since the task requires Fortnite players to only deal damage from 75 meters or more, players can bug out of the area after taking the shot. If players plan on going after a solo opponent, they should wait for them to stand still while they loot before taking a shot. Given the skill required to use a DMR, a moving target will be tougher to hit.
Things to remember while using a DMR in Fortnite
There are three vital things to remember while using a DMR in Fortnite: target range, recoil pattern, and bullet drop. While all three factors are important, the bullet drop comes at the top of the list. Since bullets tend to drop over long distances, players will have to compensate by aiming above the target.
This will ensure that when the bullet drops down, it will land a headshot rather than fall short of the target. In conjunction with the bullet drop, players need to take distance into consideration. Since the bullet will take time to drop and hit the target, leading the shot will be key to ensuring it makes contact.
If the target moves about rapidly, it’s best not to shoot and give away one's location. The final piece of information to keep in mind is the recoil pattern. After firing the weapon, the recoil pattern takes a few seconds to reset. If players fire again before the pattern reverts to normal, the bullet may miss its intended target. Thus, patience is key when using the DMR.