When it comes to close-range weapons in Fortnite, SMGs have reigned supreme for several seasons in a row now. Since Chapter 3 began, this weapon class has been the bane of many opponents in-game. While they aren't overpowered in the truest sense, they can shred builds and players in seconds.
Thankfully, they have been nerfed over time, and their stats have been adjusted to better reflect their utility in-game. While it's true that the Charge SMG is broken to an extent, it can't be classified as overpowered. Nevertheless, mastering this weapon class in-game has its uses.

This is why Epic Games is tasking players with dealing damage to their opponents within five seconds of sprinting. Those who manage to complete the task will be rewarded with 15,000 XP. With the current season coming to an end soon, XP will come in handy for those trying to complete their Battle Pass.
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Become an SMG expert in Fortnite by following these simple tips
The task at hand is simple, but there are several hurdles that players must overcome. For starters, using an SMG is not everyone's jar of slurp juice. Given the limited range and recoil pattern, controlling the weapon is difficult. Moreso, if the target is moving and jumping about to evade fire.
The first thing that Fortnite players will want to do to complete this challenge is to find an SMG that's Epic tier or higher. The better the tier, the better the control and stats. Once found, the next step will be to look for opponents out in the open. The best option for players would be to third-party opponents to increase their rate of success.
Once an opponent has been found, players need to sprint for the duration of their choosing, and once the sprint ends, they need to open fire and inflict damage. Since a total of 250 damage will have to be inflicted, engaging multiple opponents will be better.
Since the damage inflicted only counts towards progression if done within five seconds of sprinting, players will have to be quick on the job. Failure to inflict damage within five seconds will mean starting the process over. For skilled players, using a run-and-gun sort of tactic will ensure the best results.
Some more tips to remember while using an SMG in Fortnite
An SMG is powerful, but only at close-range. As the targets get further away from the weapon, complications arise. While it is undoubtedly possible to score hits from 100 or 150 meters away, using an AR will be the better option. Nevertheless, there are a few things that players need to keep in mind while using an SMG in Fortnite.
For starters, SMGs have a low reload time. This ensures that once players are done emptying the magazine, they'll be ready to fire again in mere seconds. However, waiting for the magazine to empty before reloading is not the best strategy. Players should always try to reload when the opportunity arises.
This will ensure that the enemy will not get an opening to rush or rush while the player reloads. Another key talking point about SMGs is the spray-and-pray meta. Unlike other weapons, Loopers can use SMGs from hip-fire with surprisingly high accuracy.
Due to the number of rounds in the magazine, a few bullets going wide will not be a problem. If anything, spraying an enemy will pin them down and allow players to rotate to safety or flank their opponent effortlessly. While SMGs may not have the stopping power of an AR, they offer greater versatility in combat situations.