With Chrome spreading and consuming everything on the island in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4, there won't be any natural organic substance left. Since the strange material is not a picky eater, everything on the island may be consumed soon enough.
That being said, the islanders are fighting back. Despite Chrome taking over multiple POIs and landmarks, they have refused to submit to this free-flowing overlord. Many have taken to the air to stay alive and avoid being consumed. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that's enough to stop the onslaught.

As part of the week three challenge in Chapter 3 Season 4, players are being tasked with destroying the Chrome structures present on the island. While it may not be enough to stop the spread, it may likely slow it down. On that note, here's how to get rid of some excessive Chrome on the island.
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How to destroy Chrome structures in Fortnite - A step-by-step guide
By following these easy steps, players will destroy Chrome structures in no time:
- Land in a POI that doesn't see a lot early-game fighting
- Loot for supplies and gear up
- Find Chrome structures and destroy them using the Harvesting Tool
- Avoid shooting at them as a lot of bullets will be wasted and enemies will be drawn to the sound of gunfire
- Repeat the process until the challenge is complete and 20,000 XP will be rewarded
Keep in mind that while this Fortnite challenge tasks players to destroy 100 structures, that's likely not going to be the case. It's possible that structures of different sizes, when destroyed, will count as more than one. However, if this does not come to pass, players will have to destroy 100 Chrome structures to earn XP.
In addition to using the Harvesting Tool, players can use explosives as well. Although Chrome gives these structures more HP, a few grenades should do the trick. Lastly, using a vehicle to ram into structures and destroy them will also count towards the progression of this Fortnite challenge.
What if an area runs out of Chrome structures?
As comical as this may sound, it is possible that an area has all of its Chrome structures destroyed. In this scenario, players will have to rotate to different areas to complete this challenge. Fortunately, there is another option at hand.
Instead of rotating elsewhere, all players have to do is find a Chrome Splash. Once they have acquired one, they can use this item to turn other structures into Chrome and then destroy those to obtain even more Chrome Splashes.
This process can be repeated for nearly an infinite amount of time during a single match in Fortnite. In this manner, a single Chrome Splash can be used to turn an entire POI or landmark into Chrome. That being said, there are some benefits involved.
Players can effortlessly phase through Chrome walls and use structures as cover. Since they are resistant to fire, they can be used to avoid and mitigate fire damage from explosions. All in all, while Chrome itself is rather useful, it's still a danger to everyone and everything on the island, and must be destroyed.