Slurp Barrels made their way into Fortnite in Chapter 2. They are produced by Slurp.Co and the mysterious liquid within them has magical healing properties. It's rumored that Chaos Agent used this substance to create an army of Sludges.
Nevertheless, in Chapter 3, they are mostly used to heal wounds and recharge shields. Keeping this in mind, the developers want players to destroy 10 Slurp Barrels for research purposes. Those who manage to complete the task will receive 20,000 experience points and free healing.

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A step-by-step guide on where to find and how to destroy Slurp Barrels in Fortnite
1) Choose a suitable landing

Slurp Barrels can be found all over the island. Only a handful of locations don't contain a single Slurp Barrel. That said, players will indefinitely find a couple of them laying about as they move from one location to the next. However, only a few select places have high concentrations of Slurp Barrels, with Rave Cave being the highest.
In and around the vicinity of Rave Cave, players will find over 100 Slurp Barrels. Most of them can be found inside the cave system in this POI. Another ideal location is the Launchpad landmark, which is located on the western edge of the island just off the coast. Both these locations are the best places to execute the task.
With that said, to make it easier, players should attempt the challenge in a match in which the Battle Bus' route ends at either Rave Cave or Launchpad. Since most opponents jump off the Battle Bus when it crosses the middle of the island, there shouldn't be many opponents left towards the end of the Battle Bus' route.
2) Use a pickaxe or weapon to destroy Slurp Barrels

Once at the desired location, players will have to break a total of 10 Slurp Barrels to complete the challenge. While weapons can be used to destroy them from a distance, it's not wise to waste ammo.
The most efficient way to destroy them is by using the harvesting tool/pickaxe. To do this, players will have to get up close to a Slurp Barrel. Once in range, they need to hit it to break it open. While this may sound tedious, players will be rewarded with 100 XP per barrel harvested in Fortnite.
3) Max out shields before rotating out of the area

Considering that each Slurp Barrel will grant players 10 points towards their shields, it's a good idea to complete the challenge in one spot. This way, when the challenge is complete, players will have max shields and will be ready to continue with the remainder of the match.
Keep in mind that Slurp Barrels not only regenerate shield points, but hit points as well. When injured, players should be on the lookout for one to heal up free of cost and get back into the fray. Also remember to keep an eye out for Slurp Trucks. As the name suggests, they are larger versions of the Slurp Barrel, and will heal players by 100 points.