Every week there are new challenges in Fortnite. They offer a good chance to continue leveling up and unlocking the battle pass rewards. The weekly challenges remain the best source of XP since they come out more frequently and offer the highest amount of experience upon completion. This week, players are tasked with eliminating enemies with Exotic weapons, among other things. Here's how to do it.
Fortnite challenges: How to eliminate with Exotic weapons
Step 1: Load into the game

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Load up the game on the platform you normally play on. It may need an update, as weekly patches are released quite often. Once it's up to date and loaded up, be sure to log in to your account.
This is not a Creative-based challenge, so it must be done in Battle Royale or Zero Build. Solo, Duos, Trios, and Squads should all suffice. Since eliminations are required, it might be best to try Solo since there's no knocked down stage.
Step 2: Find a Holo-Chest

The Exotic weapons can only be found in Holo-Chests. They're not available from NPCs right now. This is where every single Holo-Chest spawn point is on the island. Visit the locations to find and open them. They will drop an Exotic, though it will be a random one. These are in the game as of this writing:
- Heisted Explosive Assault Rifle
- Heisted Breacher Shotgun
- Heisted Blink Mag SMG
- Heisted Run N' Gun SMG
- Heisted Accelerant Shotgun
- Dragon's Breath Sniper
The chests will grant one of these.
Step 3: Find and eliminate enemies

Once you have an Exotic weapon or two, the next step is to find any Fortnite player. This is easier said than done, but it's usually easier to find enemies in the nearest POIs. For ease of access, it might be best to search the Holo-Chests in and around Anvil Square or Mega City and then head inside. There should be plenty of players there.
After that, you have to eliminate them. Exotic weapons do provide an advantage over normal weapons. They do special things, which sometimes makes getting an elimination in Fortnite easier.
That said, it must be a full elimination. Be sure to end their game, or else it won't count. You will need to do this three times. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be in the same match or even with the same Exotic weapon. Once you've killed three players with an Exotic weapon, the challenge will be complete,d and you will earn the reward XP.