Vehicles play an important role in Fortnite. Be it for combat, exploration, or rotation, they generally come in handy in-game. With the introduction of the Kinetic Blade this season, most players have forgotten the joys of speeding down the road in Fortnite. To give players a speed rush, Epic Games wants them to find and enter a vehicle right after landing.
That said, as part of the "This Season" Challenge, for week six, players will have to enter a vehicle within 30 seconds of landing. Given that vehicles can be found all over the island, this Challenge shouldn't be challenging in the least. However, there are safe Landmarks in which this task can be completed without any external interference.
A step-by-step guide on how to enter a vehicle within 30 seconds of landing in Fortnite
In the current season, there are seven land vehicles. With this much choice, players are free to choose any one of them to complete this Challenge. Looking at this Challenge from a utility perspective, finding a Dirt Bike is by far the best option. In fact, players can complete this Challenge as well as the "Score Trick Points on a bike" Challenge at the same time.
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1) Land at King's Launch or Royale Ruin

The first step to completing this Weekly Challenge is to land at a Landmark called King's Launch or Royale Ruin. While they're rather obscure, both of these Landmarks have vehicle spawn points. An easy way to find these Landmarks is to follow the road going south from Breakwater Bay.
2) Find a Dirt Bike and/or car

While landing at King's Launch or Royale Ruin, try to spot the Dirt Bike. However, if the Dirt Bike cannot be seen (or hasn't spawned in this match), look for the nearest vehicle and enter it to complete the Challenge. Once the task has been completed, you must then look for the Dirt Bike to attempt the "Score Trick Points on a bike" Challenge.
Things to remember while trying to enter a vehicle within 30 seconds of landing

Although King's Launch and Royale Ruin are safe Landmarks, given their proximity to The Citadel, other players may also try to land here in order to gear up. If this is the case during a match, instead of landing at these Landmarks, try to land at the Western Watch Landmark.
Since a vehicle spawns in at the Landmark as well, the Challenge can be completed at this location, if required. However, considering that the aforementioned Landmarks aren't hot-drop zones, it should be fairly easy to complete the task here without any issues.