The Ex-Caliber Rifle is one of the most powerful weapons in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. In the hands of seasoned players, it can be used to crack shields, builds, and their opponents' will to fight.
Due to its unique functionality, players are being tasked with using this weapon to land direct hits on opponents. Those who manage to complete this task will be rewarded with 16,000 XP.
How to land a direct hit using the Ex-Caliber Rifle in Fortnite

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Before discussing where to find the weapon on the island, it's best to discuss how to use it. Unlike other weapons that shoot bullets, the Ex-Caliber fires projectiles similar to Bows. A sword made out of some form of energy is fired and attaches itself to the target.
To ensure that 'rounds' land directly on target while using this weapon, players have to either hit a stationary opponent or lead the 'round' onto their target. The best way to do this would be to get as close as possible to the target or knock-out the opponent using a different weapon and then shoot them a few times.
A step-by-step guide on how to find an Ex-Caliber Rifle in Fortnite
1) Look for Oathbound Chests or the NPC known as Wild Card
Currently, there are two ways to find an Ex-Caliber Rifle. The first option is to loot Oathbound Chests to potentially find the weapon. There are a total of three possible spawn locations for these Chests within the confines of the POI.
In most matches, at least two of them spawn in. However, since the loot rotates between the Ex-Caliber Rifle and Shockwave Hammer, a fair amount of trial and error may be involved with this process. Hopefully, players will get lucky in their first few attempts.

The second way to find an Ex-Caliber Rifle in and around Shattered Slabs is more foolproof. Rather than looking for Oathbound chests, players must find and interact with the NPC known as Wild Card.
This particular NPC will sell players an Ex-Caliber Rifle for 250 gold bars. Although he has three different spawn locations on the island, players will find him in Shattered Slabs most of the time, with the NPC generally walking around the northern edge of the POI.
2) Look for players and land a direct hit on them using the weapon

Once the weapon has been obtained, the final step of the challenge requires players to land direct hits on opponents using it. Since it's a Marksman Rifle that deals AOE damage, most players tend to shoot in the general direction of their opponents. Even if the 'round' lands in or around the opponent, they will take some damage from the explosion.
However, to complete this challenge, a player must land a direct hit 10 times while using the Ex-Caliber Rifle. Since this challenge is not time-bound, it's recommended that players try to complete it over the span of a few matches. In most instances, attempting to complete this in a single match will be impossible.