Fortnite's latest weekly challenge requires players to mark a weapon, a vehicle, and a fish in a single match for its successful completion. The game's newest challenges were released on Thursday, November 10, at 8:00 am Eastern Time.
Most of these challenges are easy to complete and require little to no effort. Unfortunately, there are many new Fortnite players who may still be learning the basics of the game and are unsure about the game's challenges. This article will explain how to mark a weapon, a vehicle, and a fish in a single match.
This is how you can mark a weapon, a vehicle, and a fish in a single match in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4

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Epic Games released the pinging/marking system back in Chapter 1 Season 8. This feature is one of the best additions to Fortnite as it allows players to mark items, locations, and enemies within the game. It's especially useful for players who are unable to use their microphones while playing.
Ever since its release, Epic has improved Fortnite's pinging system over the years, leading to a polished feature in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4. Thanks to this, you can communicate easily with your teammates, which is essential to winning a match.
To mark a weapon, a vehicle, and a fish in a single match, here is everything that you need to do:
1) Land near the ocean

Marking weapons and vehicles is a relatively easy task since both of these are found in every corner of the map. However, marking fish can be somewhat tricky if you don't land near the ocean. Fortunately, there are many bodies of water currently present on the Fortnite map.
The first step towards completing the latest Fortnite challenge is landing near an ocean or lake in order to catch fish. After doing so, the easiest way to cash fish is by using a fishing pole or the Harpoon Gun, but you can also obtain fish from freezers.
2) Catch a fish, find a vehicle, and locate a weapon

After catching at least one fish, you will need to obtain a weapon as well. The easiest way to do this is by opening chests, although you may also find weapons as floor loot.
The last item you require to complete the weekly challenge is a vehicle. Fortunately, there are numerous vehicles scattered all over the island and you can also use the new Dial-A-Drop item to spawn one directly.
3) Use your ping key to mark items

To mark a weapon, a vehicle, and a fish in a single match, you will need to use your ping button on all three of these. By default, this action is assigned to the Up button on the D-pad of a console controller and to the middle mouse button for PC players.
You simply need to look at a weapon, a vehicle, and a fish, target it with your crosshair, and then press the ping button. Once you ping all three items, the weekly challenge will be completed and you will receive 20,000 XP.