At the start of Fortnite Chapter 4 season 2, a Japanese biome was added to the map. Although only Mega City showcases futuristic vibes, the rest of the biome is still beautiful to look at. As such, great care was taken to add cultural assets to the map to fully showcase the developer's scale of creativity. Epic Games even added gongs to the biome, which can be rung by players.
That said, as part of the "This Season" Challenge, players will have to ring three different gongs to earn 12,000 experience points in week six. Since these gongs aren't highlighted on the map, looking for them seems to be an exhausting task. Thankfully, this isn't the case as they spawn in fixed locations in every match.
A step-by-step guide on how to ring different gongs in Fortnite
1) Find a gong

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The first step of the Challenge is to find gongs on the island. While most players have come across a few during gameplay, since they aren't related to any Challenges/Quests, most may not remember where they're located. Thankfully, as aforementioned, gongs can be found in fixed locations on the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 map.
All Japanese-themed POIs have a gong or two that can be found in and around the area. In Mega City, a gong can be found in the docks. Two more can be found in the courtyard of Kenjutsu Crossing. However, given that these are hot-drop zones, looking for gongs here isn't a great idea. That being said, the best place to find gongs is at Dueling Circles. Currently, there are four gongs present on the map:
- Bamboo Circle - North of Mega City
- Sandy Circle - South of Steamy Springs
- Cedar Circle - North of Knotty Nets
- Sakura Circle - Southwest of Kenjutsu Crossing
2) Use a Harvesting Tool or Kinetic Blade to hit it

After landing at a Dueling Circle, use the Harvesting Tool to ring the gong. Since the Challenge merely says to ring the gong without specifying what to use to ring it, in theory, a Kinetic Blade can be used for this task as well. Two Kinetic Blades can be found at each Dueling Circle.
Once the gong has been rung, two more gongs will have to rung to complete the Challenge. A good way to complete this task will be to ring a gong in every match. In this manner, players don't have to spend the entirety of the early-game phase running from one Dueling Circle to the next to ring a gong.