Red Tool Boxes, otherwise simply known as tool boxes, were introduced to Fortnite in Chapter 2 Season 7. Based on the information available, these have a small chance of replacing normal ammo boxes in-game.
What makes them special is that unlike ammo boxes, they drop a plethora of supplies and items. These boxes include and are not limited to light/medium/heavy bullets, shells, rocket ammo, arrows, vehicle mods, and repair torches.

While certain items rotate on a seasonal basis, it's clear to see that they provide a variety of items. Such being the case, Epic Games wants players to search for three red tool boxes in-game. Once three have been opened, loopers will be rewarded with 20,000 XP for a job well done.
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Fortnite: How to search red Tool Boxes - A step-by-step guide

Players can easily farm 20k XP by following these steps:
- Start a new game and play in any of the official modes
- Land in and around a gas station
- Loot the area and look for a tool box
- Once located, open it to progress along the challenge
- Repeat the process two more times to complete the task
Keep in mind that red tool boxes appear at random. There's little to no guarantee that that they'll appear in the same place in two different games. Considering this, the best option is to search for a gas station.
Since red tool boxes provide car mods, it makes sense to find them lying around where cars are serviced. However, given that they spawn at random, not every gas station will have a red tool box lying about either.
Are red tool boxes worth searching for in Fortnite?

While they may not be as good as large ammo boxes, which provide healing items as well, they do provide the basics required in a match. As mentioned, aside from ammo, they also provide vehicle mods.
Rather than running about trying to find vehicle mods from floor loot, a red tool box is a much better alternative. Additionally, they even drop repair torches. While they were definitely useful in earlier seasons, their utility has increased thanks to Chrome.
Since Chrome Splashes can be obtained by destroying trees, the repair torch has become the best candidate for the job. While it can be argued that the Harvesting Tool is faster, it only provides one or two Chrome Splashes per tree.
On the other hand, since the repair torch inflicts low damage, its DPS is lower, which means that destroying a tree becomes a slow process. Each time damage is inflicted, the tree yields a Chrome Splash.
Using this method, players can farm trees for the item. Although it's slow and time consuming, the reward is well worth the wait. This even works on vehicles and other props that have been Chromed in-game.