As part of the Fortnite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles event, you'll have to spin while airborne and on foot in-game. As the event is associated with our heroes in half-shells, these silly tasks make a lot of sense and add to the game's collaborative spirit. Furthermore, completing this task will reward you with 300 Ooze.
Although this challenge/quest seems rather vague, it turns out that it's very simple and easy to do. There are numerous ways to do it, and since there's no immediate rush to complete it, you can do it at your own pace.
Here is how to complete the "spin degrees while airborne and on foot" challenge/quest.
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How to spin degrees while airborne and on foot in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1
There are two ways to complete this challenge/quest. Both are easy and achievable at any stage of the match. Depending on how you'd like to go about things, you're free to choose either method.
1) Spin on the ground

If you stay on foot (on the ground), pan your camera in a 360 degree to spin your characters in-game. This will register you spinning a few degrees on foot. As such, since you will be either way panning your camera over the course of the match, it's best to let this happen organically.
If you keep doing it constantly, you may get dizzy from excess spinning your characters about.
2) Spin while airborne

If spinning on foot is rather boring, you could try spinning in mid-air. On a technical basis, this challenge/quest would work by jumping in the air and panning the camera. You could either use a Launchpad or consume Flowberry Fizz to jump higher. Once in mid-air, pan the camera around to spin degrees. However, keep in mind that spinning the camera for too long will lead to a nauseating feeling.
That being said, it may also be possible to complete the challenge by spinning in mid-air after deploying your Glider. Since you can pan your camera to spin after the Glider deploys, this should count toward the progression of the challenge/quest.
On that note, as mentioned, do the challenge/quest originally as you will need to spin a total of 7,200 degrees.