Vehicles have been a staple in Fortnite since the early days. However, only at the start of Chapter 2 Season 3, did Epic Games introduce cars/trucks to the island. While these gasoline-guzzling machines provide an easy means to move from one place to another, they have been made better thanks to mods.
After introducing Off-Road Tires in Chapter 2 Season 6, the utility of vehicles skyrocketed. Keeping the legacy of the first in-game vehicle mod alive is something that the developers have been doing persistently. They now want players to throw Off-Road Tires and flip an overturned vehicle in-game.
A step-by-step guide on how to throw Off-Road Tires and flip an overturned vehicle in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
There are three things to keep in mind while attempting this task: safe landing location, securing a vehicle to overturn and flip, and lastly, finding Off-Road Tires to throw. That said, it's time to elaborate on the same:
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1) Landing in a spot that's safe and has vehicle spawn points

Indeed, there are many safe spots to land with vehicle spawn points, but the best is Lonely Labs in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1. Despite the POI being rather small (and rather lonely), it offers a good mix of loot and has not one but two protected vehicle spawn points.
Those who frequent the POI, are well aware that a dedicated garage can be found within the area. This garage houses one car and a dirt bike. Depending on the player's proficiency with the vehicle, either can be used to complete the task. However, before going to the garage, it would be a good idea to secure the area and eliminate all opponents within the confines of the POI.
2) Flipping the vehicle after it has been overturned

Once ready to flip the vehicle, head to the garage and enter either the car or hop onto the bike. The bike is the best option for those looking to complete the task as soon as possible.
Get on the bike, exit the garage, charge the jump-meter, and overturn the bike mid-ar. Although bikes tend to land correctly in most instances, they can be forcefully overturned just before they hit the ground. It may take a few tries, but it is possible. Once the bike lands on its side or upside, flip it to complete half of the task.
3) Finding Off-Road Tires to throw

Moving on to the second part of the task, players need to find Off-Road Tires and throw them. Again, this is easy, as they can be found in Red Tool Boxes. Since Lonely Labs has a dedicated garage, finding a few will not take time.
Once Off-Road Tires have been acquired, select them from the inventory and toss them on the ground (or in a car) to complete the task. While in the area, remember to try and catch a Chicken to complete one more task related to the Creed Quests.