Wildlife was added to Fortnite in Chapter 2 Season 6. Although players could not ride them into battle back then, it set the stage for what was to come. Fast forward to Chapter 4 Season 3, players can ride Raptors into battle and instill fear into the hearts and minds of opponents. While this psychological shock-and-awe tactic is useful in combat, wildlife is also useful when wanting to travel long distances.
That being said, as part of the "This Season" challenge for Week 8 in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, players will have to travel a certain distance while riding on wildlife. Given that the task at hand is easy, it should be achievable in the span of a single match. Once complete, 20,000 experience points will be awarded.
Step-by-step guide on how to travel distance while riding on wildlife in Fortnite
To complete this challenge, players must do three things: Land in the Jungle Biome, tame or hatch a Raptor from an egg, and lastly, ride it to travel a distance of 200 meters.
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1) Land in the Jungle Biome

The first step towards completing this challenge involves landing within the confines of the Jungle Biome. Given that the landscape is rather hard to navigate, you should avoid landing in the middle of a Named Location and instead opt to land at the edge of the biome. This will ensure that you are able to find your bearings and get an idea of the loot path you wish to take.
2) Tame a Raptor or hatch a Raptor egg

After securing basic loot (weapons/utility items), make your way into the Jungle Biome and look for Raptors. Keep your Audio Visualization option on to make it easier to hear them. To tame a Raptor, jump on top of it to make it yours. If no Raptors are in sight, try looking for an egg to hatch. After the Raptor hatches, the character will automatically jump on top of it to tame it.
3) Travel 200 meters while riding the Raptor

With the character now riding atop a Raptor, the last step of the challenge is to cover a distance of 200 meters. Given that Raptors can Sprint, it would be wise to take advantage of their speed and cover the distance as soon as possible. If needed, rotate out of the Jungle Biome to minimize the chances of being ambushed. Once the distance has been covered, the XP will be awarded automatically.