Fortnite has great items and collectables in the item shop. There's typically a great selection whenever the item shop renews itself. However, most skins and cosmetics don't return for a while or at all. This is why most of the time Fortnite players are using up their V-Bucks when new items come in as they never know if they will return or not.
Thankfully, April has given players some great items. Here’s a look at some of the current items in the item shop and some that Fortnite brought back overall in April 2021.
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April 2021 Fortnite Item Shop
Players can choose from a variety of emotes. There are a total of 20 different emotes currently waiting for players. Some include trending emotes with popular celebrity songs and lines such as The Weekend, Bruno Mars, Doja Cat, Drake, and Psy. Of course, those popular TikTok trend dances are also still in the item shop, some include the Renegade, Savage, and Rollie emotes.
Bruno Mars was the newest addition to join the list of celebrities in the game this month. The release of his emotes after April Fools' Day stirred a lot of attention, giving him and Fortnite a lot of trending moments when he announced it on his social media platforms.
Every player has a set of go-to cosmetics, be it a random assortment or something they picked out for their everyday use. Currently, there are 12 cosmetics in the item shop. Some of the more interesting ones are the newest released Drop Dropper, Grimules wrap, and Grafitaxe. These three cosmetics are part of the new Grimey skin that was just released.
Another new addition to Fortnite overall is the introduction of the Horizon Zero Dawn pack. The pack brings in the Aloy Skin alongside her Heart-rizon emote, Blaze Canister back bling, Glinthawk glider, Shield-Weaver wrap, Aloy's Spear pickaxe, and the Aloy the Skywatcher loading screen. Her introduction to Fortnite only continues to show that many more collaborations are on the way to Fortnite.
Fortnite currently has some decent sets of skins currently in the item shop. Major Lazer made his way back into the item shop, as did Ruby, Gutbomb, Hothouse and the Boxer/Boxy skins. Each of their respected cosmetics has also made their way into the item shop.
Of course, some skins were new altogether to Fortnite such as the Harley Quinn Rebirth skin. This skin was originally exclusive to those who bought the first issue of the Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point miniseries.
Similarly, Fortnite finally gave players the Princess Felicity skin that had been rumored and teased a long time ago. Lynx was also introduced as the April Crew Pack for Fortnite. Lastly, the Neymar Jr skin is finally arriving at the item shop this 27 April.