Fortnite lore includes many interesting characters who have appeared in the video game over the past four-and-a-half years. In recent times, Epic Games has released many pieces of Fortnite lore through comic books, giving players some important answers about certain characters.
In-game events and character dialogues have revealed other important details, and despite the storyline being confusing, players at least know what's going on.
Fans of the lore will no doubt be hoping Epic Games makes the storyline clearer in the future and provide answers to every question. In the meantime, we look at 10 Fortnite characters who are too reckless for their own good.
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Characters from Fortnite lore that took brashness to new levels
10) The Cube Queen

The Cube Queen is one of the most important and reckless characters in Fortnite lore. She played a huge role in the events of Chapter 2 as she tried to destroy the entire island.
The character controlled the cubes that were in the game during Chapter 2 Season 8, forming a pyramid in the center of the island with them.
If it wasn't for The Foundation and The Seven, she would most likely have destroyed the universe. Fortunately, the organization flipped the entire island, ruining The Cube Queen's plan and making her disappear.
The Cube Queen is too important to die, so we can expect her to return at some point. Considering that she is one of the most evil characters in Fortnite lore, it won't be surprising if she attempts to destroy the entire universe once again.
9) The Devourer

Like The Cube Queen, The Devourer played a huge role in a live event. The Devourer tried to steal the Zero Point back in Season 9, but fortunately, he was defeated by The Mecha.
This monster is the scariest-looking character in Fortnite lore by some margin. Everything about this creature is terrifying, including its intentions to absorb the Zero Point energy.
The best part about The Devourer was that it was a perfectly-kept secret from Epic Games. Even though players could see its eye at Polar Peak, where the monster was presumably trapped, no one knew what it would look like until the event.
The monster definitely did not disappoint, and its actions made it one of the most reckless characters in Fortnite lore.
8) Dr. Slone

Dr. Slone has become a huge part of Fortnite Battle Royale in Chapter 2 Season 7 as the Loopers worked for her. Players had to complete many tasks for this character, who was apparently working on saving the world.
However, during the Operation:Skyfire event at the end of the season, Dr. Slone revealed her true face. She betrayed the Loopers, trapping them on the Mothership as they tried to escape it.
Since then, Dr. Slone has become the most important enemy. She was a high-ranking member of the Imagined Order and even chased players on the other side of the island after The End event that concluded Chapter 2.
The popular Fortnite character was last seen during The Collision live event as she tried to stop players from destroying The Collider. However, she was unsuccessful as The Mecha hit her hard at the end of the event.
Just like The Cube Queen, Dr. Slone is most likely alive. She is a very important character in Fortnite lore and could return very soon.
7) Midas

Midas is an international crime boss who first appeared in the game in Chapter 2 Season 2. He is one of the most popular characters in the Battle Pass and players could also eliminate him at The Agency to get his Mythic Drum Gun.
The character with the golden touch was also very smart. He built the Doomsday Device to control the storm. Like the previous three characters on the list, Midas had his own live event - The Device.
The popular character almost succeeded in his intentions to control the Storm, but was stopped by the Imagined Order. His actions caused massive flooding all over the island, and the water level needed a few months to come down.
While many players believe that he died, Midas may yet return to the game. His connection to Fortnite lore is strong as Dr. Slone also used a Doomsday Device in the Chapter 3 Season 2 event.
6) The Ice King

The Ice King was one of the best-looking characters in Chapter 1 Season 7 Battle Pass. He was a Tier 100 skin with multiple styles and looked amazing. Unfortunately, his popularity went down due to the size of the skin.
Season 7 of Chapter 1 was important as it brought snow to the Fortnite island. The giant iceberg, which players had spotted before the season, turned out to be Polar Peak, the Ice King's domain.
At the start of the season, only one part of the map was covered with snow - Polar Peak and the surrounding areas. However, during the live event, The Ice King caused a massive snowstorm, covering the entire island with snow.
This was a very disappointing event since it lasted for only a minute. Furthermore, before the event even happened, Epic Games accidentally covered the entire map with snow. This ruined the event completely and many players did not find it exciting.
Unfortunately, Fortnite lore has no more details about The Ice King. He disappeared after the season, never to be seen again. He may have tried to gain control over the island by using The Devourer in Season 9, but this is just a theory.
5) Raz

Raz was one of the coolest characters back in Chapter 2 Season 6. This season brought many changes to Fortnite Battle Royale and players had to learn how to craft items in order to win.
In addition to gameplay changes, Season 6 was very important for Fortnite lore. Some of its characters played a huge role in it, and Raz was the main antagonist of this primal season.
The character was good and he tried to uncover Spire's secrets. Unfortunately, he was corrupted by the Spire and that is when he became evil. Players had a chance to fight him at the Spire and obtain his Mythic weapon.
It is believed that Raz is the main reason why The Last Reality invaded the island. The Spire contained the Zero Point and it was very important to anyone who wanted to take the island over. This, of course, was the intention of The Last Reality.
4) Jonesy

Jonesy is everywhere! He is the most popular character in the video game and every player knows about him. Fortnite lore has many snapshots of him, including Agent Jonesy, Bunker Jonesy, Jonesy the First, and others.
He has been in the game since its release and was featured in promotional material for it. Jonesy currently works for The Seven and has grown very close to The Foundation.
As of Chapter 3 Season 2, Jonesy and The Foundation are chasing after Geno, the leader of The Imagined Order. While we don't know much about the situation, Epic Games will probably release more details in Chapter 3 Season 4.
This character is so important to Fortnite lore that Epic Games released a special spot on the Chapter 3 map called The Joneses. This is a village where players can find many different snapshots of Jonesy. They created their own civilization in an attempt to fight against The Imagined Order.
When it comes to cosmetics, there are over 10 different variants of this character available as outfits. Considering his role in the storyline, we can expect many more variants to be released soon.
What makes Jonesy so reckless is the fact that he's done many things to survive, including betraying Peely during their time in the bunker!
3) Peely

Yes, a banana is one of the most important and most reckless characters in Fortnite lore. Like Jonesy, this character has many different styles in the game and is one of the fan favorites.
Furthermore, Peely and Jonesy are the only characters who survived the volcano explosion at the end of Chapter 1 Season 8. They hid in a bunker for a long period of time. Unfortunately, they ran out of food, and this was when Peely, a banana, got the short end of the stick.
Peely also died during the Chapter 2 Season 6 trailer, but this was just a snapshot, as he returned during Chapter 3. The banana earned the status of a legend in Fortnite lore during The Collision event at the end, and it turns out he was one of the bravest Fortnite characters of all time.
During Chapter 3 Season 2, Loopers were teaching Peely how to drive a vehicle. Back then, this seemed like one of many ridiculous and funny challenges. However, Peely's driving lessons paid off when he saved the universe during the event. He drove a Slurp truck, which healed The Mecha, and this action allowed The Seven to continue their attack and defeat the Imagined Order.
2) The Scientist

The Scientist is very important to Fortnite lore as he is one of the few characters actively trying to save the universe. Players first met him during Season X as he was the secret skin of the Battle Pass.
Before The Scientist, no Fortnite character had a voice. However, players heard his voice while collecting his tapes near the end of the season. This was a major event in the video game and Epic Games raised the bar with it.
After The Scientist's tapes, almost every live event had a dialogue or extended interaction between characters, which was amazing.
The Scientist tried to break the loop during The End event in Season X. He launched a rocket from Dusty Depot and even led a huge meteor into Loot Lake. All of these events made the Zero Point unstable and it sucked everything into The Black Hole.
Even in Chapter 3, The Scientist is still investigating the Zero Point. He believes that the fight is not over yet and that the Imagined Order could still take control over the world.
1) The Foundation

The Foundation is a character everyone loves. He is based on Dwayne Johnson and has also played a huge role in the event of the storyline. The character is the leader of The Seven, and players saw him during The Zero Crisis Finale event for the first time.
Even though he is very important to his organization, The Foundation decided to sacrifice himself during the event. He trapped himself in the Zero Point, hoping to fix it. This created the Spire, which was the most important place in Chapter 2 Season 6.
The Foundation also saved the Loopers during The End event at the end of the chapter. He led the players through the Bridge, helping them go to the other side of the island and avoid The Cube Queen's wrath.
The leader of The Seven was last seen with Jonesy as the two of them went after Geno. This storyline will most likely continue in the near future, allowing us to see if the group can completely stop the Imagined Order by eliminating their leader.
Right now, Fortnite players can find The Foundation at Seven Outpost VII, south of Launchpad.