Every game in Fortnite starts with a massive ring known as the Storm around the map. The Storm will build as the game continues, start moving, pause again, and resume the cycle, eventually encircling the island completely. As the game progresses, it does more damage every second to the player's HP. The Storm is one of the most important elements of the game since the inception of Fortnite.
That being said, as part of the "This Season" Challenge for week 7 in Chapter 4 Season 4, players are tasked with opening Chests or Heist Bags before the first Storm Circle closes. Upon completing the task, 15,000 experience points will be rewarded.
Step-by-step guide on how to open chests or heist bags before the first Storm Circle closes in Fortnite
To complete this challenge, players must do two things: Find a safe place with lots of chests and heist bags and not many enemies, and loot them before the first storm closes in.
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1) Finding a safe space to land

There are several locations scattered across the map with various amounts of chests. While Mega City and Sanguine Suites have the most for you to find (more than 100), Frenzy Fields is an ideal location for this task as it provides you with a number of chests to unlock. Besides, the location is fairly safe, as not many players drop there.
You will find the majority of the chests inside the barns in Frenzy Fields; just keep moving around the location to find them. You have to unlock a total of 10 chests or heist bags to finish this task.
2) Finding all chests before the storm closes in

The crux of this task is to find all 10 chests in four minutes before the first storm closes in. The countdown starts right after the Battle Bus makes its last stop. Quickly drop into one of the barns in Frenzy Fields and start looking for chests. It is important to note that there are many areas containing chests scattered around in Frenzy Fields; hence, it will help to make use of some tools to move around.
A Rocket Ram can be used to move from one point on the map in Frenzy Fields to another. Remember to check all the barns from top to bottom, and once you're done with one area, move on to the next one. While this task might prove to be a bit challenging, it might take some trial and error to finally get it done, as the time you get to finish this task is considerably limited.