Fortnite has a wide array of mechanics and features that players can use to secure an elimination and/or a Victory Royale. They can shoot at opponents to get rid of them or send them flying into The Storm using a Shockwave Hammer.
Those who feel the need to be extra can even use the Falcon Scout to pick up opponents that have been knocked down and drop them from a substantial height. But it's all said and done; there's nothing like a good old-fashioned explosion.
Using explosives to get rid of opponents has been the norm since the early days of Fortnite. Players can use explosive items/weapons to send their opponents flying sky-high. Speaking of blowing things up, one player built a 'nuclear bomb' in-game with the help of a few items. Suffice it to say; it's rather overpowered.
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Gas Cans create a powerful 'nuclear explosion' in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1
Players tend to use Gas Cans to eliminate opponents in-game. Despite their primary utility being to refuel vehicles, they can be used to blow up/burn down structures on the map. But given how they work, most tend to avoid using them unless the circumstances are perfect.
Nevertheless, a player will find a creative (and amusing) way to use the item in combat every now and then. Rather than being boring and setting a Gas Can alight near an opponent to inflict AOE damage, u/kasra602 souped-up a Bear (vehicle) by piling it up with Gas Cans.
While placing Gas Cans on a vehicle, driving it into an opponent, and detonating them is somewhat standard practice, u/kasra602 fitted the Bear with roughly 20 of them. Given how each Gas Can inflicts 100 damage upon explosion, 20 would roughly result in 2,000 points worth of damage.
The Ageless Champion, currently the toughest boss in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, only has 1,500 health and shield points combined. It's safe to say that there's no way to survive this magnitude of the explosion. While it may not be a 'nuclear bomb and/or explosion' in the truest sense, it comes close.
Is the 'nuclear bomb/explosion' a viable combat technique in Fortnite?
Yes, this method of combat can be used to great success. Players can destroy hard points or enemy builds in seconds, leaving opponents exposed and in the open. It makes flushing out campers easy as well. However, there are a few problems involved.
Given the number of Gas Cans that will have to be used to create an explosion of such magnitude, finding that many may prove to be challenging. Furthermore, even after finding so many of them, there's no guarantee that players will find a Bear (vehicle) to place them on.
Lastly, above all else, driving a vehicle filled to the brim with explosives straight toward an enemy may not end well. If they are vigilant, they are bound to open fire and try to detonate the Gas Cans on the vehicle. While this can be avoided by placing the Gas Cans at the back of the vehicle, it's still risky.
That said, limiting the explosion by using only a few Gas Cans is probably best. If nothing else, Fortnite players can jump out of the vehicle and Sprint or Slide to safety or, at the very least, get clear of the blast radius.