More free V-Bucks can be earned in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4. Thanks to an Item Shop glitch, players will be able to get an additional 500 V-Bucks by obtaining the Saint Academy quest pack.
This was definitely not intentional, and Epic Games will most likely fix it with the next reset of the Item Shop. However, players can still use it until then and add some free V-Bucks to their accounts.
This article will reveal the latest Item Shop glitch and how to get free V-Bucks from it. Although getting additional V-Bucks requires purchasing a new pack, the article will also reveal how you can get a refund for it.
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Get 500 free V-Bucks with the latest Fortnite Saint Academy quest pack

The Saint Academy quest pack was added to the game data with the v22.20 update on Tuesday, October 18. This update brought the Fortnitemares 2022 event, so including a Halloween-themed skin in the quest pack makes a lot of sense.
The new quest pack was finally released on Monday, October 24. However, Epic Games made a mistake with the release of the new pack. Instead of 1,000 V-Bucks, the pack grants up to 1,500 V-Bucks, which will most likely be fixed very soon.
The new pack is an amazing deal because of the free V-Bucks. Purchasing 1,000 V-Bucks in the game costs $7.99, which is what makes the new pack incredibly valuable. Apart from the 1,500 V-Bucks, here is everything else that comes with it:
- Vivica Saint Outfit
- Saint's Legacy Back Bling
- High Stakes Pickaxe
Fortnite content creator Tabor Hill made a great video about the Item Shop glitch, which readers can watch above. Epic Games used the correct Item Shop image of the pack since the image mentions that it offers 1,000 V-Bucks. However, the description of the item states that players will receive up to 1,500 V-Bucks.

It's important to note that the new pack does not grant V-Bucks immediately. Instead, players have to complete a couple of exclusive quests to receive both paid and free V-Bucks.
Since this bundle can only be purchased with real money, you will not be able to refund it directly through the game. However, you can refund it through the platform you purchased it from. For example, if you purchased it on PlayStation, you can contact Sony for a refund.
Considering that the glitch is active, there is a good chance that you will retain the free V-Bucks, even after a refund. However, Epic Games will most likely fix the glitch during the next Item Shop reset.
Other Halloween skins coming to the game during the Fortnitemares 2022 event

With the release of the Fortnitemares 2022 event, Epic Games has added a lot of new Halloween-themed skins. So far, only Ash Williams and Vivica Saint have been released to the Item Shop.
Thanks to popular Fortnite leaker HYPEX, we have a release order for the upcoming skins. Here is everything that will come in the next few days:
- Bonejamin
- Ava
- Abyss
- Jack O'Sassin
- Remi
The Halloween event will end on Tuesday, November 1. Considering that it only lasts for one more week, players will have to complete the exclusive challenges before it's over.