Fortnite has been out for a long time, and so has the Competitive side of the game. The structure of the game is inherently competitive, so the game's professional scene (in which players compete for prizes and stature) has become very popular. However, it has begun to grow a bit stale in recent years.
TSMFTX Co1azo believes that this side of the game has been on a steady decline for the last four seasons:
Several players agreed with Co1azo's take:
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
Others believe that everything is on the decline:
Some players are intensely frustrated with the product they're getting:
Many players have complained about Competitive in recent seasons, and they are largely not pleased with all of the decisions Epic Games has made regarding this mode.
This may stem from a larger displeasure on the part of the entire community. With the exception of the first season, every season since Chapter 3 has been underwhelming to many.
The community doesn't love Fortnite like they did when it was in its prime, and it's not clear if the game will ever relive its glory days. As a result, Competitive players who have a larger stake in the game continue to grow increasingly frustrated.
As Co1azo mentioned, the game may never die. It's too big and too popular to ever really die off, at least not in the foreseeable future. However, that doesn't mean players are satisfied with it.
What can Epic Games do to save Fortnite from an early death?
With many players growing frustrated with the game, Epic Games may be forced to do something soon to save Fortnite. At one point, it was the most popular and beloved game being played, but this is no longer the case.
Unfortunately, a return to its glory days is all but impossible. Epic Games hasn't necessarily done anything wrong, and they've even employed a lot of tactics to get players excited again. However, these just haven't quite worked out.
Players often get excited by the novelty of a game. When Chapter 3 Season 1 debuted, everything was new and exciting. This wore off eventually, but the formula worked well for a few seasons.
Epic Games has also tried to do unique things with different seasons. For example, they tried to do away with having an antagonist in the last season after the Imagined Order was defeated. This season, they added Chrome, which has vastly changed Fortnite. These haven't been particularly bad decisions, but they likely haven't had the impact Epic hoped for.
Many players long for the old days of the game. Epic Games is always moving the game forward, but they've taken the power of nostalgia into account as well. The Chapter 3 map has tons of Easter eggs, references, and even some of the same POIs as the old map. However, this hasn't really turned things around for the game either.
Fortnite may be slowing down, and players may not love it as much anymore, but it's not because of a lack of effort on Epic Games' part.