Epic Games has released over a thousand Fortnite Battle Royale skins in the past four and a half years. Some of them have achieved legendary status and are extremely valuable, but some simply flopped.
With numerous collaborations, storyline characters, and fan-created concepts, Epic Games has introduced many different skins into the game with a lot of different themes.
Unfortunately, hundreds of skins haven't been well received by the community. Fortnite developers have experimented a lot, but some have simply been failures.
In this article, we will rank the five worst Fortnite skins of all time. This is not just an opinion piece as we will be looking at the Fortnite.GG website and its ranking of the said skins. Players can visit this website to rate every skin from 1-5, and we will list the five worst Fortnite skins on this list.
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The worst Fortnite skins of all time, as ranked on Fortnite.GG
5) Gan

Gan is a Rare outfit that's a part of the Wise Warrior Set. It was first released during Chapter 2 Season 1, and despite having two different styles, it's still considered one of the worst Fortnite skins of all time.
This character is very similar to Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender and that could be the reason why the community hasn't been very impressed with it.
As of June 27, it has a rating of 19.07 on the website. This means that only 19 percent of players have given this skin a positive feedback.
Rating breakdown:
- 1 star: 2,200 votes
- 2 stars: 271 votes
- 3 stars: 253 votes
- 4 stars: 84 votes
- 5 stars: 346 votes
The rating breakdown shows how bad this skin has been rated as by the community. Considering the percentage of one-star votes, it will most likely remain at the bottom for a long time.
4) Soldado Colorado

Fortnite Battle Royale has had numerous collaborations since its release in September 2017. Some of the most famous characters have made their way into the game, including pop culture icons, video game characters, athletes, and more.
Unfortunately, a few collaborations have been awful, and one of them is the El Chapulin Colorado crossover. There were two separate bundles players could purchase, one for male skins and one for their female counterparts.
All of the skins have received horrible reviews, but Soldado Colorado has even managed to become one of the worst Fortnite skins of all time.
The average rating for this skin is 18.82, which is very bad. Out of the 10 worst Fortnite skins currently rated on the website, the El Chapulin Colorado crossover is responsible for four of them. Ouch.
Rating breakdown:
- 1 star: 2,500 votes
- 2 stars: 219 votes
- 3 stars: 243 votes
- 4 stars: 88 votes
- 5 stars: 399 votes
3) Burial Threat

Fortnite's original soccer skins were incredible. As soon as they were released, many players purchased them and shortly after, they got the reputation of "sweaty skins."
Epic Games tried to repeat this success by releasing zombie soccer skins during the Fortnitemares 2019 event. Unfortunately, it was one of the biggest failures ever.
While many Fortnite players enjoy scary-looking skins, especially during Halloween, zombie soccer skins are far from good. One can argue that they aren't scary either, and most of them simply look gross, with nothing appealing about them.
Considering all of this, it's not surprising that Burial Threat is one of the worst Fortnite skins of all time. Its average rating is 18.53, and even that is way too generous.
Rating breakdown:
- 1 star: 2,000 votes
- 2 stars: 294 votes
- 3 stars: 236 votes
- 4 stars: 74 votes
- 5 stars: 284 votes
Although this skin has received fewer one-star votes than the two previous skins on the list, its percentage of negative votes ranks it as the third-worst Fortnite skin ever released.
2) Flytrap

Can you believe that Flytrap is a Legendary skin?! Some players have spent 2,000 V-Bucks to obtain him, yet he is one of the worst skins ever released, and for good reason.
Flytrap was quite popular when it was first released back in Chapter 1 Season 4. He was one of the rare Legendary outfits and simply looked different than the other skins.
However, his popularity has drastically fallen off once Epic Games started releasing amazing skins. Many other Legendary skins looked way better and Flytrap was soon considered a disappointment.
At the moment, the average rating for this skin is 16.99. He is far behind the previous skin, yet also has a comfortable lead over the next skin on the list.
Rating breakdown:
- 1 star: 4.700 votes
- 2 stars: 455 votes
- 3 stars: 317 votes
- 4 stars: 166 votes
- 5 stars: 673 votes
1) Sterling

Sterling is just an unusual-looking skin that doesn't really have a target audience. In addition to its horrible design, the skin has an Epic rarity, which means that it costs 1,500 V-Bucks.
He was first released during Chapter 1 Season 8, but hasn't been seen since December 2020. As of June 27, he hasn't been in the Item Shop for 549 days, which makes him one of the rarest Item Shop skins at the moment.
This skin is at the rock bottom of the list as its average rating is only 15.1. However, it won't be surprising if he climbs the ladder when he finally returns to the Item Shop. After all, everyone wants rare skins, even though they are no longer rare once they return to the game!
Rating breakdown:
- 1 star: 7,800 votes
- 2 stars: 522 votes
- 3 stars: 466 votes
- 4 stars: 219 votes
- 5 stars: 982 votes
While there have been a host of bad skins in the game, and they will continue to be there in the future, these five choices are currently the worst rated ones on Fortnite.GG.