The Rift Tour in Fortnite has officially been named and given a date and even some challenges. It will begin on August 6th, confirming that the countdown timer was counting down to this event. It will last for two days until the 8th. There are several challenges that are live now that can give players free rewards just for completing them. One of them is to use an alien hologram on top of a Party UFO, which can be difficult if one does not know where this "Party UFO" is. Here's where and how to complete this challenge.
Place an alien hologram on the Fortnite Party UFO
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Here is the full list of challenges and their rewards. The alien hologram challenge will reward players with the Cloudy Kitty.
- Interact with the Rift Tour Posters – Rift-sterpiece spray
- Use an Alien Hologram Pad on top of the Party UFO – Cloudy Kitty
- Save the date in the Rift Tour tab and play a match – Cosmic Cuddles background
- Attend the Rift Tour - No reward
The Party UFO in question here appears to reference the UFO in the middle of the map. Players can land on the Party UFO and use one of the alien hologram pads there to complete this challenge. This is an easy one to do as it only requires landing and then leaving, so players can also drop down to Risky Reels and interact with a poster there to check two challenges off the list.

The alien hologram pads will grant players low gravity. Despite the fact that this challenge centers around a very populated drop right in the middle of the map, it can be completed before moving on to either finishing other challenges or simply playing a match of Fortnite.

These challenges have gone live, though the event is not for another eight days. Players can acquire all the rewards prior to the live event as the "Attend Rift Tour" challenge has no reward tied to it.
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