Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 is officially into its sixth week, making the season roughly halfway over. The new week brings about all-new challenges, as any week in a Fortnite season does.
One of this week's challenges is to plant saplings at Stumpy Ridge, Fork Knife Food Truck or FN Radio. Players need to plant three saplings at these locations in order to complete this challenge. Here's where to do that.
Place saplings in Fortnite
The first location that players are tasked to plant a sapling at is Stumpy Ridge. Stumpy Ridge is a landmark, therefore it won't be named on the map. It is located east of Slurpy Swamp and just north of the Hydro 16 dam - another landmark. It is in the coordinates D6 and E6. There are three spots here to plant the sapling. Players need to interact with one.
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!

The second location that players need to plant saplings at is the Fork Knife Food Truck. This food truck is located inside the coordinate F5 and is another landmark. It is just to the north of Lazy Lake. There will also be three options here. Plant one at one of the blue outlines shown below and the Fork Knife location will be complete.

The third and final location for the saplings that need to be planted is FN Radio. FN Radio is yet another landmark on the map and is located in the coordinate F2. It is northwest of Steamy Stacks and east of Craggy Cliffs. It is up on the hill. There are three options to place the sapling here, too. Simply pick one and complete this challenge. Related: Alien artifacts for week six.
These challenges go live in less than an hour, so be sure to get ready to hit all three of these landmarks. It's unlikely that players will be able to travel to all three in one match, so plan on taking part in multiple matches to complete this particular challenge.