Dark Jonesy is up to something in Fortnite, and it doesn't look good. Nonetheless, it would seem that he needs help with something. However, with the power of the Purple Cube coursing through his veins, one has to ponder what exactly he wants service with.
Those who are not afraid of the cube's power can help Dark Jonesy with some tasks for experience points. A total of 150,000 XP can be earned by completing all the tasks.
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How to complete all Fortnite Season 8 Dark Jonesy The Oracle Speaks questline challenges
There are five stages in Dark Jonesy: The Oracle Questline. To begin the challenge, players must first interact with Dark Jonesy, located at Steamy Stacks.
Here is the list:
- Stage 1: Collect scrolls at different IO bases (0/2) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 2: Use a Shadow Stone, then recover the Spirit Vessel (0/1) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 3: Touch a Cube (0/1) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 4: Destroy the Corruption Cluster and all Corruption Fragments (0/2) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 5: Return the Spirit Vessel to the Oracle and hear his Vision (0/1) - 30,000 XP

Stage 1) Collect scrolls at different IO bases (0/2) - 30,000 XP
Step one of this Fortnite challenge tasks players with sneaking into mini IO bases and collecting Scrolls. Two in total need to be gathered. Here are the base locations:
- Base Roger (North of Dirty Docks)
- Base Rio (East of Pleasant Park)
- Base Oscar (Northwest of Lazy Lake)
- Base Echo (Southwest of Misty Meadows)
- Base Domino (Southwest of Holly Hedges)
Stage 2) Use a Shadow Stone, then recover the Spirit Vessel (0/1) - 30,000 XP
To complete this Fortnite challenge, all players have to consume a Shadow Stone and interact with the Spirit Vessel located in Wasted Wood.
Stage 3) Touch a Cube (0/1) - 30,000 XP
To complete the third stage of the Dark Jonesy The Oracle Speaks Fortnite questline. Players need to interact with a Purple Cube in Cube Town, located at the center of the map.
Stage 4) Destroy the Corruption Cluster and all Corruption Fragments (0/2) - 30,000 XP
Players will find Corruption Fragments all over the map in areas that the cube has corrupted. Once a few have been located, they have to be destroyed. Once enough of them have been destroyed, a Corruption Cluster will spawn. Players need to destroy it to complete the challenge.
Stage 5) Return the Spirit Vessel to the Oracle and hear his Vision (0/1) - 30,000 XP
Once all four stages of Fortnite Season 8 Dark Jonesy The Oracle Speaks Questline have been completed, players will need to head back to the NPC and talk to him to complete the last stage.
Note: These Fortnite challenges are not bound to a single match and can be completed in multiple matches