Emotes are very popular in Fortnite, especially those that are based on trends and TikTok videos. Given the demography of the game, Epic tries their level best to incorporate as many of these as possible. However, things don't always go according to plan.
According to news sources, Epic Games has been hit with a new lawsuit over an emote called 'It's Complicated'. The party pressing charges is Kyle Hanagami, the choreographer responsible for creating the dance moves that go along with the song How Long by Charlie Puth.
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Fortnite faces a 'Complicated' lawsuit
The complaint was filed a few hours ago in the Federal Court for the Central District of California. It states that Epic Games copied the dance moves from the 'hook' segment of the choreographer's dance routine. The lawsuit is requesting a court order preventing the game from using the emote.
It also seeks an unspecified amount in damages and legal fees. Readers by now must be thinking that the charges being pressed are arbitrary. Unfortunately, that's far from the truth. As it turns out, Kyle has a copyright to his dance routine.
To prove their point, his legal team also made a side-by-side comparison of the emote in Fortnite and real dance. Here's the video:
Based on the comparison provided in the video, it's clear to see that both of the dances are indeed nearly identical.
For now, it's best not to draw conclusions until the court passes the final verdict. However, here's what a few fans have to say about the situation:
As seen on Twitter, Fortnite fans are rather divided on the matter. Some claim that dance moves cannot be copied, while others advocate for the fact that Epic Games should have asked for permission.
What could be the final verdict?
Given the complexity of lawsuits and settlements, one of three things may happen:
- Epic Games will either agree to the terms of the lawsuit and provide royalties to Kyle. This would mean paying him a specified amount in court or out of court, and the emote stays in Fortnite as usual
- Epic Games loses the lawsuit and are forced to take the emote out of circulation. Which would mean potentially millions of players will have to be refunded. Kyle may also have to pay royalties
- Epic Games wins the lawsuit, and life goes on as usual. However, it's possible that the emote will be kept vaulted in Fortnite to avoid further issues.
With three different potential outcomes, it's anyone's guess as to who will come out on top. On one side, the dance moves are very similar, while on the other there are provisions that allow dance moves to be copied and used. Given how long lawsuits usually last, it could be months before both parties reach an amicable solution.