One of the biggest money-makers for Fortnite has been cosmetics. After all, with a free game, the ways a company can make money are limited. However, Fortnite has found a golden egg with their cosmetics. From fan favorite Marvel characters to originally designed awe-inspiring Fortnite characters, skins have been a huge draw for players across the years.
Not only that, but accompanying pickaxes, gliders and back blings have also driven players to the item shop. Getting a cool skin with matching back bling, pickaxe and glider is a big part of Fortnite's popularity. Most of the time, they come up with great cosmetics that players appreciate. But they're not all hits. Over the years, Fortnite has created some disturbing cosmetics.
Fortnite's most distrubing cosmetics
5) Gnashers Pickaxe
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The Gnashers go with Big Mouth skin, which is scary in its own right. The long, sharp teeth and the tongue hanging out are creepy. Taking that, doubling it and putting it onto a dual pickaxe is just disturbing. The eyes are eerie and the teeth and tongue falling out of the bottom of each handle is a plain freaky.
4) Agent Stone Back-Bling
Agent Stone's Back-Bling comes as part of the Snakes & Stones Challenge Pack. The back-bling is just Agent Stone's floating head on the player's back. Coupled with the rest of the challenge pack, it doesn't look too bad, but regardless of any other circumstances, players are running around with a stone head on their back. Even the Item Shop picture looks disturbing.

3) Teef
Teef is a skin that was added around the Fortnitemares event. In that event, players would fight as they would for a normal 100 player Battle Royale, but with zombie spawners placed around the map. These zombies would give off good loot and their spawners would too, but it made it difficult to fight them, knowing you had to stand in the open to do so, leaving yourself open to other players.
The theme, obviously, was to be scary, so this one kind of succeeded in that sense. However, it succeeded for a different reason than the original designers had possibly intended. Teef is disturbing, to put it lightly. A faceless head and oozing pink slime make combine to form a truly disturbing skin.

2) Nite Nite and Peekaboo
Nite Nite and Peekaboo were added to the game just before Halloween of 2018. In keeping with the theme, they were downright scary. The standard variations of each were a male and female clown, respectively. However, some customization options made them downright fear-inducing. The creepy setting is standard, but the creepier version is jarring. For a game that has some younger players, this one is a bit of a shock.
1) Rabbit Raider
The Rabbit Raider doesn't seem too disturbing, but a closer look shows why this skin is downright terrifying. The pink color scheme can be welcoming, but the rest of the skin produces fear. It wears a Jason Voorhees-esque hockey mask. Players who have seen the horror movie Donnie Darko will notice a similarity between the two.

Safe to say, Fortnite is capable of producing some weird, scary and disturbing cosmetics.