Fortnite is different from other popular free-to-play games because of its unique building aspect with a battle royale dynamic.
The game has grown competitive in nature, especially in Season 6. Building fights is one reason for it. Fortnite is not all about gunfights but also allows players to build their own cover. This provides them with the advantage of moving quickly while taking cover during the fights. Hence, aside from having a sharp aim, a solid knowledge of the building mechanism is also required.
Building battles are complicated. But players can dominate the game if they understand the mechanics. With that in mind, this article shares five tips to win build battles.
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Tips and Tricks to win build fights in Fortnite Season 6
# 5 - Put pressure on the enemies

Putting pressure on the other person's box is one of the basic ways to win a build fight in Fortnite. If the player is inside the box and the enemies attack the wall to replace it, it can be trouble. In that situation, the defending player can spray ammo. Then the player must replace the wall to return pressure. This can make enemies nervous and create tension.
One doesn't have to spray much at someone's wall. Tap fire on their walls to put pressure on when they're inside their own box.
# 4 - Build with brick or metal
The players shouldn't use wood while building because of its low starting health and max health. Instead, players can use other materials like brick and metal during a build fight. Bricks and metals are far more durable than wood in Fortnite.
However, brick and metal regain max health slower than wood. One can use wood if rotating, but brick and metal can be used for a stronger base.
# 3 - Build high walls
High walls can put a player in an advantageous position, as securing the high ground becomes faster. It can also get kills as the enemies can get caught underneath it. For instance, instantly building two walls above after coming out of the box can block the person from shooting the player.
A lot of practice is required to use this trick in Fortnite. Many professional players tend to use this tactic.
# 2 - Use mats
It’s better to keep extra mats in hand during a build battle. When the enemy tries to escape by placing piece control, the player can easily build a little over the box. This will stop them from coming out easily. The enemies cannot protect themselves at that moment, which will enable the player to get a kill.
Not doing this might exaggerate the fight and could lead to wastage of building materials for both players. This technique is the best way to trap opponents in Fortnite.
#1 - Ramp-up
When building in Fortnite, players can ramp up diagonally to look up. At the same time, this allows the player to get information by spotting the enemies’ positions. This is beneficial when it comes to building fights.
However, the players should avoid ramping up for heights unless they know the position of the opponents. Face swaying high ground retakes might make the players lose track of the enemy’s position. Whereas in a practical high ground retake, players can look above and below. Players can play from the low ground after they hit a shot in Fortnite.