Players will have to dance on the Alteration Altar to get Fortnite Howler Claws in Chapter 3 Season 4. Howler Claws is a new Mythic item that can be obtained uniquely, and players can use it to deal damage and track enemies.
The new Mythic item is amazing and will be available in the game for a limited time. This item was also teased in the first Fortnitemares 2022 teaser. Many players thought that Epic Games was teasing a wolf-like skin, but it turns out that the teaser was all about Fortnite Howler Claws.
This article dives into how to Dance on an Alteration Altar and obtain the new Mythic item. This challenge is relatively easy and has to be completed to unlock the free Fortnitemares 2022 rewards.
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After you dance on an Alteration Altar, you will receive Fortnite Howler Claws

To unlock all the free Fortnitemares 2022 rewards, you must complete 25 quests. The first two quests were released on the first day of the v22.20 update, and they both require you to dance on an Alteration Altar.
Both quests reward 15,000 XP as well, and the new quests in the series will be released on Wednesday, October 19. Epic Games will most likely release two quests every day, which means you will be able to gain thousands of XP in addition to the free cosmetics.
1) Hop on the Battle Bus and pick your landing spot

Alteration Altars are located at the Reality Tree and its branches. The first step towards completing the challenge and obtaining Howler Claws is picking a spot and landing directly on an altar.
Many different spots have altars, as you can see in the image above. All of these locations have been altered by the Reality Tree during Chapter 3 Season 3, and will play a big role during the Fortnitemares 2022 event.
2) Land at the Alteration Altar and dance

As soon as you land on the Alteration Altar, you must press the emote button to perform a ritual. You will have to dance for eight seconds to turn into a wolf and get Howler Claws.
The Mythic item will allow you to damage enemies and also track them. However, keep in mind that tracking has a cooldown, and you will not be able to use it all the time.
3) Watch out for enemies

To complete the second Fortnitemares 2022 quest, you must hit an enemy while Wolfscent is active. This can be done easily since many players will land at altars.
However, this also means you must be careful while performing the ritual. If too many enemies are around, you can be easily eliminated before turning into a wolf.