The Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG is a new weapon available in Fortnite Battle Royale. It's a new variant of the suppressed weapon and is used primarily for close-range combat.
To obtain the new Mythic weapon, you must eliminate the Inkquisitor, the new boss standing at Grim Gables. While this boss doesn't have a massive health pool, fighting them can be extremely difficult in the Solo mode due to the lack of space.
This article will reveal everything you need to know about the Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG. We will include the stats of the new Mythic weapon along with a detailed guide on how to defeat the boss.
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Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG is obtained at Grim Gables

The Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG deals 24 damage per bullet with a maximum damage of 42 for a head shot. The weapon shoots 7.8 bullets per second and has 30 in its magazine.
The reload time of the new Fortnite Mythic weapon is relatively short as it only takes 1.8 seconds to reload. While it's primarily used for close-range combat, it can also be effective for medium range if fired in bursts.
Here is everything you need to do to obtain the Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG:
1) Visit Grim Gables

To obtain the Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG, you must visit Grim Gables. You can either land at this location or simply visit after looting another place.
To find this new boss, locate the bounty board in the area and enter the haunted house from there. As soon as you enter the house, you will see a hole in the ground. Plunge through it to engage in a boss fight.
2) Summon the boss

Once you enter the basement, you must step over the ritual area in the middle. This will trigger a ritual that will spawn the new Fortnite boss within a few seconds.
During the summoning ritual, you should run away from the area to have some distance between yourself and the boss. Considering that the fight takes place in a basement, you will have to be careful with your positioning.
3) Fight the boss

Obtaining the Inkquisitor's Mythic Suppressed SMG is not an easy task, especially in the Solo mode. The basement of the haunted house doesn't allow you to move around too much, yet staying close to the boss is a recipe for disaster.
To beat the boss and get the new Mythic weapon, you must avoid burning areas. The boss will use Firefly Jars from time to time, which is why you must stay away from the fire.
Aside from that, the Fortnite Halloween boss will frequently use the Pumpkin Launcher. Considering that this weapon deals massive damage, you will have to avoid it at any cost. Fortunately, the pumpkin is relatively slow, so you will have enough time to react and avoid its explosive damage.