Last season, Fortnite players were tasked with defeating the Imagined Order. They worked with The Seven all season long to ensure their defeat at the end in the Collision event. Throughout the season, players completed special quests designed to help The Seven prepare for the war.
These were called Resistance Quests and were an extra weekly challenge designed to give players a chance at more XP. This season, there is no threat on the island, so the loopers are given the 'Vibin'' quests, which function the same way, just without the existential threat.
One of the challenges related to the Vibin' Quests is to interact with Zero Point scanning devices. Here's how players can do that in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3.
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Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Vibin' Quests: Interacting with Zero Point scanners
Just like last season, the special quests this season will require players to establish a device uplink prior to completing any of the actual challenges. Fortunately, simply landing at the device uplink spot will give players seven thousand XP in the game.
Once players get to the Zero Point scanners quest, they may find it a little bit challenging. It does require loopers to interact with three different ones, and there are six total options.
The six options are fairly spread out, too. They are all located around Reality Falls and Loot Lake. There is one that is fairly deep inside Reality Falls, but that one can be ignored.
They are all roughly placed in a line, so Fortnite players can drop in at one and move to the others without much trouble if they choose the right one to land at.
Here's where all the scanners can be found:
If players drop at the one closest to the Reality Tree, they can move to the next two with ease. The scanners will show up on the minimap when players get close, and they will probably be able to see it on the island, too.
All players will have to do is interact with it to complete the challenge. There is some mystery surrounding what the Zero Point is doing now and why the Reality Tree is on the island.
It seems that this season's special quests are about discovery rather than designing strategies for a war like last season.
The full set of Vibin' Quests for this week are:
- Establish device uplink
- Collect food consumables for the party! (6)
- Interact with Party Poppers in the Rave Cave (5)
This will move players onto the next set of quests, which includes:
- Establish device uplink
- Destroy objects at old IO Outposts (10)
- Spray Peace Sprays on structures at old IO Outposts (3)
The last stage for this week also has players establishing a device uplink and then tasks them with:
- Collect a Reality Seed from a Reality Pod
- Take a Reality Seed to three different Named Locations
- Plant or transplant a Reality Seed
These quests are an excellent source of Fortnite XP in this season since there are so many. Each stage grants XP, so there's plenty to be earned in the game.